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This feels so familiar,
like a recurring nightmare (I cannot forget)
I can hardly breathe (I'm suffocating)
can't you hear my heart breaking,
(breaking through my chest)
I can't believe this is happening,
but then again I can
(How did I let myself get this comfortable)
Knowing the situation that I'm in
I forget so easily,
because I get lost in you

(But time never lets me forget)
That I never really belonged to you,
you belong in a world we're I cannot be
(You don't belong to me)
My separation anxiety this year,
made that horrifyingly clear
(I've lost myself a lot in fear of these thoughts)
I'm so nauseous, and I can't pretend
your absence doesn't make me sick
(because it really does)

Loving you changed me,
and not in a good way (I lost myself)
I woke up one morning, and I'll never forget
(I woke up completely terrified)
My mind, my body, my poor broken heart,
had finally given up
I had enough ( I was sick, sick of you)
I was so tired baby,
tired in my mind, and tired in my heart
I hate to say this to you
(baby I'm so tired of you)

Always tearing my heart apart
with all the pain you've put me through
(continuously over and over again)
I know what you need me to be,
but what about what I needed too
(I needed you)
And it's so fucked up, (it really is)
the way you're eyes control me
Our love has never been easy (but I love you)
and kissing you has never felt this rough

We can hardly speak words (don't leave me)
but you're eyes have enough pain,
for the both of us (I hate this)
You make me feel like, we can never be apart
I could never leave you (even if I wanted to)
and sometimes I do, (I really, really do )
yeah sometimes, sometimes,
I really wanted to
(But dammit baby I love you)
I really do

And I know you see, (you know you do)
the power you have over me
When you take me in those arms of yours
and pull me in so tightly, so close
For the last time, (not again)
And my heart starts beating,
(faster and faster)
I can feel the tears starting,
to build up now (and it just won't stop)

I already know,
what you're going to say
(don't say it)
This feels terrifyingly familiar,
like a recurring nightmare (I cannot forget)
You can barely speak out the word
Baby don't cry, (baby we got this)
As you look for reassurance in me
I can't lie (No I won't)
not the way, you've lied to me

I can't do this, I can't speak a word
(I'm speechless)
I'm in shock ( please don't leave me)
Listen, no matter how far,
we are you will always be with me
(Please, believe me when I say)
the pain that you feel, when I'm gone
I feel every bit of that pain,
when I'm gone, from you too
I love you baby so much,
I'll be home soon, I'll miss you so much
(and once again she is gone)

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