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At the end of the day,
it's lonely without you
But loneliness is just a state of mind
that cradles you with emptiness
And leave you emotionally damaged

These emotions will fuck you
spreading like an undetected illness
Just like our love, it continuously hurt me
So I decided I love you, but I can't be with you
because I'll lose me, I'll die before this ends

I was so unhappy trying to fix our love
I got so lost into the woods
I can't even see how, any of it was love now
healing on the other hand is harder at night
It's like an awful fever dream

My heart burning like it's on fire,
I wanna scream you're name, till all the pain
goes away ( will it ever go away)
Baby make it go away
I'd rather die, then to go this another night
But I wake up yet again

In a constant panic trying to understand
something I'll never understand
(Whispering to myself)
It's not meant to understand
why.. why we couldn't just work out
I don't think I'll ever really except it
Because I love you and I always will

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