218 Days

3 0 0

I'm sorry

I should of believed you,
but I didn't and I'm sorry
our love, had me so fucked up
But you still kept you're promise
I hate to admit I couldn't
And I'm so sorry, I was so exhausted,
and you were always gone

And here we are, 218 days later
Where time stopped,
Time without you felt so infinite
I though this would never stop
I'm so sorry, for being fucking selfish
I demolished you like an avalanche
I know I made you feel like nothing

But baby let me tell you something
If it weren't for you I'd be nothing
And I can't keep blaming you
for everything anymore
All this pain inside our hearts,
I just want you to know, right now
It's not you're fault, I fucked up

I fucked up, everything now
I'm just so unhappy with myself,
So how can I be happy with you, now
I'm soul lost, can't you tell
Don't you see, see it now
Whenever you're not around
I just shatter into a million pieces

And I hit the ground, I'm so weak
Look my eyes just overfill
All my emotions, start to spill
I'm so vulnerable, and scared as hell
You know I never wanted us this way
I'm sorry I'm not strong enough to say
That loneliness didn't lead me a stray

But oh my god the pain, the pain
please have mercy on me and understand
the pain was just so overwhelming
I was so angry at you, for hurting me
I needed someone to make it stop
Someone that wasn't you,
Something that wasn't us

And I know how horrible, that sounds
because maybe I did try to hurt you,
But I just ended up hurting myself
This relationship is so damaged
We're so shattered, how can we be fixed
Baby look at us now
We keep hurting each other

And I don't blame you if can't forgive me
Because I honestly will never forgive myself
So I don't expect you to either
And honestly it's hard to say this
But you deserve better than this
Better than us, better than me
I'm so sorry baby.

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