Mirror mirror

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You're reflection in the mirror is only what you perceive yourself to be instead of idling a reflection of yourself.
Show yourself that this isn't truly me but merely just a shell of what everyone see.
You are deeper than that and it's sad people can't see past that. So smile not with you're eyes but with you're heart and soul.

Mirror mirror on the wall
I don't look to you,
for self-satisfaction at all.
I look to remind myself,
I am deeper than this reflection.
Of this perception of myself,
deeper than idling this human shell.
I am my heart and I am my soul,
And I love like there's no tomorrow,
I give like I never need anything.
I practice and teach myself,
to be good to myself.
To take care of myself,
To truly love myself with all my heart.
To cherish my life, my family and loved ones until I die.
To be kind to this world, and always try to have a positive attitude and good vibes.

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