Hunger Games

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We used to flow together, (You and I)
Deep and heavy, like waves against the tides
Crazy how two weeks, can change your life
It felt so real, it felt like fate

Flashbacks of you opening my gate
I can still feel the rush
with hearts in my eyes (I felt so alive)
the burning in my nose, can't help but cry
was it the wrong time, the wrong place
I should've known better, my mistake
I wasn't the girl you wanted,
I was just, a girl you replaced

That fucken smile, that hypnotizing smell
You knew what you were doin, doing it well
you got me addicted to the feeling,
without catching feelings,
because you were so numb

Did she never see you, the way I did
Did you have to go and take the pain out (on me)
Because I wasn't her I was someone else
You never could see past,
you were never looking at me
You were looking at somebody else

You spoke fluent in broken promises,
(Ouch) filling up my broken heart
The way I fell into your arms,
like I belonged.. to you
I was one of your charms

And you're gentle warm brown eyes
that made me feel safe... (enough to die)
It was, the way you held my face the first time, we kissed (I had never been kissed that way)
I saw sparks I'll never forget that day

You knew I had insecurities and trauma
You seen my bleeding cracks in my heart,
the stab wounds in my back
I wish I knew how to love myself
But I guess if I couldn't do it, for me
Then how can someone else
(if I don't love myself)

Just give it time they say, (time heals all wounds)
But five years of freshly reopened wounds, that never healed (never will)

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