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I am far from flawless,
That much is true,
I am not perfect,
And I haven't a clue,
What I'm doing most of the time,
I just go with the flow,
I've been hurt too many times,
To try and fix myself, you know.

I am not perfect,
I want you to see,
Before you fall for the idea of us,
That what you see isn't me,
I am broken and damaged,
But it's a beautiful thing,
You may not see it now,
But if you fall for me, take heed.

There won't be a safety net,
To catch you if you fall,
I am not perfect,
And I may cause you to crawl,
But if you can accept me,
With all my flaws and scars,
Then maybe, just maybe,
We can reach for the stars.

I'm not saying this to push you away
But to make sure you understand
That I come with scars and baggage
And I don't want to hurt you in the end
I'm not perfect

And I don't pretend to be
I'm just trying to navigate this life
And find my way to being free

So if you still want to take a chance
And love me despite my flaws
Just know that I'll do my best
To love you with all my heart.

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