I Vow

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My soul is opened up to you completely
I am in loss for words
I have tears in my eyes
Memories of us fill my mind
To see your gracious face waiting to keep me for forever and more
My heart is pounding a song to yours
Realizing that you are the face I'm going to look at for the rest of my life
Makes me lose my breath
Makes me a emotional mess
We have overcome it all
Up and down, wrong and right
This was the path that was to happen to us the whole time
And now were finally happy now..
Strange as I look into those almond shaped
brown eyes
You're everything I dreamed of love would be
You're everything I ever wanted
Take me baby
Let's become one soul
I am you're other half
You are the very reason for my existence
As though we've been together for years
In our past lives as well
Our legendary love continues to reincarnate its self
I will continue to find you, our love is that determined to live forever
Eternal and unconditional I will love you for forever and more
So yes I do, I do take you for forever and more...
Soon to be
Danielle Raquel Gamez 

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