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One thing I can pride myself on
Is the most important lesson I've learned
While you were gone
Which was to teach myself to continue
To continue to breathe
To continue to eat
To continue to sleep

And as painful as it all was
I've learned to live without
And now that you're back
I have to remind myself of all the self care
I've accomplished without you

So I don't become souly dependent on you
I don't need you
I want you....
And needs and wants
Are two different choices

So when I say I did this without you
It doesn't hurt me the same
I cannot allow my negligence
of self control

And self care be affected
by you're choices
Because in this life

You'll continuously fail if you believe
People will always be there for you
And it hurts that this is the truth
Because at the end of the day

We have to remember how far we've come
And who we wake up in
And that's ourselves
And our body, no one else
And we have to remember that
And that nobody
Is going to take care of your body like yourself

Because life doesn't stop for nothing
Or anyone
We live only one life
In only one body
So take care of yourself
And try your hardest
To actually live
As best as you can a healthy happy long life

The ScorpioOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora