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I always do everything wrong,
I guess I really am a stupid bitch
Who never really belonged with you all along
Or at least that's what you said
I guess that makes me, wrong
for not wanting to stay

Because everything,
I did before, now or today..
Gave me so much, to be happy for anyways
Can't believe you think I'm in the wrong.
I never wanted to trail long,
to someone I never belong,
I wanted to belong to you.

I told you, along time ago,
if this is your path I do not want to go.
I did the hardest thing, I've ever had to do.
I let you go, I love you so,
(in a undescribable form)
So I let you go.
I felt you had to grow...
and you had to do it without me
not for me, not for us, but for you.

You thought I was being selfish,
but I felt like I had to grow too.
We had gone through so much,
I really think we needed a little time apart.
We have been with each other every day
since the day we met.

And then you had to go and break my heart,
and do something I would never forget.
You went back to her,
for reasons I can't even fathom.
And reasons I will never forget.
That's when the irreversible damage begun.

Those two weeks that you were gone off and on.
Playing games, telling lies was our fatal demise.
I feel like we had something real so beautiful. How did it get ugly so fast.
I felt so vulnerable like I was holding onto sand slipping through my hands.
All, that we were now was dust in the wind.

I couldn't hold on,
I can feel myself retreating back, falling deeper inside myself.
I thought it was real love.
I thought I really felt it this time.
Or maybe the honest truth was,
It was real in that brink, brief of a moment.
but maybe not real enough to you.

I thought I was special enough,
to breakthrough to you.
It's a harsh reality,
To know I've never been that special.
I wish I knew then,
that this feeling would never end.
Always trying to fill up the void that deepens darker inside of me.

Hoping if you came back around, it would be for real love, it would be because you loved me.
Instead, you called to spite me,
You were now holier than thou,
So high on your high horse,
you have to look down.
Must have felt really good to be so fucking perfect.

But I guess that's what I deserve cause,
I am in the wrong for trying to figure out my way.
It was a joke of a thought to think,
that time would be able to mend
all the wounds that you have given to me.

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