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What the hell has happened? Nico says he know I like/love Sam! For one thing I don't like Sam anymore and another thing is I didn't tell him I ever dated Sam! How does he know? Did Sam tell him? But then why would Sam tell him? *sigh* I'm so confused. And we can't talk because the hell hound is sniffing around the hole that me and Nico are in. I put my had up to Nico, signaling him to stay. He nods. OK so my plans a little um... crazy! Basically I'm going to wait until the hell hounds face is in a gap. Then I am going to quickly get my sword through the gap and stab it. Lets call this plan um... ahh... Oo! Oo! I know I will call it plan stab-a-lot! Yeah that works. I don't have time for this, it doesn't matter what the plan is called. What matters is that it works and I fool the hound.
The sniffings getting louder and louder. I quickly poke my head up and back down again. Its there. I saw it. Uh oh! Its clawing at the dirt, trying to dig inside to get us. NOW!!! I think to myself. I jump back ,up on my knees, and press my sword into the beasts eye. It screams so loudly it hurts my eardrums. Now its digging again. But I stabbed its eye. Why is it still trying to kill us? Nico is mouthing the words
'My go' he copies what I did. That copy cat!
"Nico I've got this!" I whisper. I don't get why we are whispering. The hound already knows we're here.
'No, I've got this!' He insists saying it a lot louder that a normal talk. Right that's it! I can't stay in here any longer. I jump out quickly through a gap the other side of me.
"What are you doing?!" Nico screams at me. I stab the beast through the side this time and it screams and falls over. Its dead. Nico jumps out and we run back to our horses that we left grazing in a hidden little area. I'm not waiting for anyone I jump back on storm and start to ride away.

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