Chapter 8

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After eating, we all proceed on going to the training room. They said that I'm lucky because we only had one class for today. It's Summoning class.

On the way to the training room. They were telling me about the places here in the academy like the library, cafeteria, professor's quarters, garden, potion room etc.

I knew that the academy was huge but seeing it while walking make me feel so small! Its so huge and wide. They also told me about the missions office. It was a place when we could get a mission when we have time. Sometimes the mission are already designated to someone. Most of the time, Alpha's are the ones who always has a mission as they are considered as the strongest bunch in the academy.

After a few minutes of walk we arrived on a huge field with magical barries around it.

We entered the field and suddenly someone teleported in front of us.

"Ahh alphas, good morning. I'm seeing someone new, a new member huh. It's been so long. Let me introduce myself. I'm Professor Mean , a Maia's blessed. "  Our professor introduced.

*prof mean read as me-an*

She has a deep black long hair, and a black eyes. Her aura is so strong and the vibe that she emitted is powerful. And the god who blessed her is not that known but of course I know. Goddess Maia is a goddess who was also blessed by  the great goddess Athena. Her abilities are not known but she is famous for her bounce back ability where in any type of attack strong or weak , physical or mental she can bounce it back to her opponent.

"Hayami Red Coelho." I simply said.

She giggle at me and just shrug.

"Anyways let us start, I know that you Alphas has been waiting for this right? So let's begin." Prof Mean.

"Finally, I can summon my familiar huhu. I've been waiting to  do this!" Deya utter excitement lace in her voice.

"So who wanna go first? Our goal for today since it's your only class is for all of you to summon your familiar." Prof Mean.

All of them raised their hands in excitement.

"Me! Me! I wanna go first!" Stella shouted.

"Okay it seems that you guys really wanted to see your familiars huh. Let's start with Stella." Prof Mean.

Some of them sigh in disappointment. Making prof Mean laugh.

"Don't worry, you will get your turn. So stella come here . Relax and find the peace in your mind. Think and try to communicate with your familiar while slowly releasing a bit of your mana." Prof Mean explained.

For the first time , I saw Stella being calm. She even closed her eyes to relax. A few seconds we felt her mana flowing out of her body and a few seconds after a big smoke appear behind her and when the smoke dissapear it revealed her familiar.

A... Wyvern a winged and two legged dragon with a barbed tail. Hers is a huge black wyvern with shining violet scales.

"Wahhhh!!! My familiar is a cute dragon!!! I love it!!!" Stella shouted upon seeing her familiar.

We stepped back when the wyvern fly towards Stella. It lowers itself so Stella can ride. Stella happily squel when she finally got to ride the Wyvern. Since the field is literally so big we don't have to worry for the space though because of the huge wings of the wyvern and every time it flaps its wings it kinda create a strong wind.

Stella get down on the dragon and made it smaller  then she played with it.

Wow she's truly powerful,it's only the first time for her to summon her familiar but she can already alter it's size.

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