Chapter 12

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Third person's POV

As the alphas scattered, Hayami went at the back of the factory. Magna running around the factory to surround it with fire while the others find there way to get inside the factory.

Dianne summoned a cloud and she used it to fly towards the factory. She's the first one to get inside and she didn't waste any time anymore when a sight of her enemy is seen.

'I won't let this bunch of trash see the daylight anymore they're going to pay for ruining the peace of the west region.' Dianne's thoughts.

She summoned lightning bolts in her hand and quickly attacked the enemies. Only the electrified body is left everytime an enemy came across Dianne.

When Josh also successfully get inside he didn't waste anytime on swinging his katana on the enemies.

While Lei approached the enemies in a different way. He teleported using the shadows to get inside the factory and lurk in there while invisible. He become invisible by using the helm of darkness which is a blessing from Hades. As he is invisible he quietly and quickly killed every enemy he meet by suddenly gripping their neck and extracting their souls.

A few minutes more of fighting a bunch of weaklings. Dianne now faced one of the strongest enemy in that factory but we all know that the strongest among them is just a piece of cake for an alpha. Dianne summoned a big storm and charged it towards the enemy, her enemy succesfully dodge it but the storm just followed the enemy and they had no choice but to attack Dianne while running away from the storm.

"F*ck what is a zeus blessed doing here?!" The enemy whined as the storm finally hitted her.

It leave many bruises but the enemy can still stand.

"You're tough but let see how long can you last from the wrath of the daughter of the ruler of this region" Dianne stated and the enemy's eyes widened.

Dianne summoned three storms at the same time and blasted it towards the enemy, the girl didn't have time to register everything when the storms hit her body killing her instantly.

In the same time outside some enemies tried fleeing but was immediately burnt in to crisp by Magna's fire.

Hayami's POV

After defeating the ugly monster, Wil finally appear from a hole he created as an escape route. Xie immediately transformed on her human form making the kids awe.

I immediately created a ladder using vines so the kids can escape.

"Xie,wait outside while me and Wil helps the kids to escape. " I ordered and she nodded.

We helped the kids to go up the ladder one by one and once I finally help the last kid up and was supposedly escaped  , an ominous aura suddenly surfaced . It's in the middle of this factory. Don't tell me...have they successfully awakened Echidna?! This is bad!

"Xie, Wil I'll leave the kids to you." I said and they just nodded. I trust both of them . They are  more than capable of protecting the kids.

I quickly run towards where the ominous aura is coming from .

But what greet my eyes there literally took my breath away .

The hideous and monstrous presence of Echidna the mother of all monsters the half human half viper it's only seem to be one fourth of it's real form but the aura it emit seems like the real deal!

"Holy moly! They've successfully summoned Echidna!" Magna said as all Alphas arrived.

"We have to kill it! We still have a big chance as it's not fully awakened yet!" Dianne utter.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2023 ⏰

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