- II.

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Lynn was no expert when it came to recognizing her surroundings, but she could definitely tell that both her and Eggsy were in a police station together.

"Keep your mouth shut, let me handle this," Eggsy says.

Lynn crosses her arms. "I assume you're a fucking genius with the cops yeah? Are you that smart?"

Eggsy glares at her. "I know how to handle these twats, thank you."

"Sure," Lynn says.

"Look, if you didn't want to be involved you should've gotten out of the fucking car," Eggsy snaps.

Lynn leans back in her chair. "Whatever," She mumbles under her breath.

A detective walks into the room. "Eggsy, we're moving you to a different room. If we keep the two of you together, we'll know you're piggybacking off the other's story."

Eggsy stands up and is led out by the detective before the man shuts the door and returns. "Lynn."

"Detective, how lovely to see you?" Lynn says sarcastically. "How're you? How's the wife?"

"That's not what we're here for."

Lynn yawns. "Right. My sincerest apologies, dear detective."

The detective sets his arms on the table. "Tell me the names of the boys you and the other suspect were with."

Lynn sucks air through her teeth. "I'd rather not," She says. "Unfortunately."

"Lynn, look, we both know you like getting in trouble. If you fess up, your parents won't be notified and—"

"You think I give two shits about what those dunces think? I'm an adult woman, I don't care what they say," Lynn says. "And I can take care of myself, thank you very much."

The detective sighs. "Since you're so proper," He says sarcastically, "guess we'll phone your folks and—"

"Let her go."

Lynn hadn't even realized the door opened. She looks up, confused, seeing the other detective and Eggsy standing at the door. Eggsy wore an equally confused face. "What?" The detective at the table says.

"A...gentleman has "connections", he says to let them go," The second man sighs.

The first detective looks flabbergasted, but allows Lynn to leave. Both her and Eggsy walk out of the police station with no consequence. "The fuck was that about?!" Lynn says.

"I—I dunno, I called this number on this necklace because my mum said if I was ever in trouble to do so, and—"

"Eggsy, would you like a lift home?"

Eggsy whips around, while Lynn practically jumps before turning around. "Who're you?"

"The man who got you released," The gentleman says. He was older, maybe in his 50s, wearing a full suit and glasses. Lynn squints her eyes at the man, getting a good look at him.

"That ain't an answer," Eggsy says.

The gentleman isn't impressed. "A little gratitude would be nice." Lynn tries her best to connect the familiar figure to his voice, and soon figures it out. "My name is—"


The man seems to turn slightly. "My apologies, I didn't see you there, Miss Walters," He says. "Glad to see you're alive."

"You know this bloke?" Eggsy asks.

Lynn nods, slowly. "Yeah he...worked for the...tailor shop. Kingsman, right?" She says, seeming to hesitate when saying "tailor shop".

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