- XII.

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Lynn barely remembers anything as she wakes up from being drugged. Her brain is extremely foggy, she feels physically terrible as she looks around. She tries to lift her hands before seeing that her wrists were tied down to the tracks. "Shit," She whispers.

"This knife," a voice says. Lynn looks up and sees that it's the same waiter from the party, "can save your life." 

Lynn hears a faint noise and looks to her left before her eyes go wide. A train was heading her way. "Shit!" She screams.

"My employer's got two questions for you, Lynette," The waiter says as Lynn squirms around, trying to get her hands freed. "What the fuck is Kingsman, and who's in charge?"

Lynn squirms around more. "Shit! Fuck! I—I don't know! You've got the wrong person— shit!" She says, panicking because she knows ultimately she's fucked. She refuses to let the man know any information about Kingsman though. 

"Oh Lynn, I just killed two of your friends who gave me the same bullshit answer!" The man says with an evil smile.

"Fucking shit!" Lynn yelps, tugging her arms as much as she humanly could. "Cut it! Fucking cut the rope!" She could feel tears welling up in her eyes, but she refused to cry, especially in front of this man.

"Hey Lynn! Is Kingsman worth dying for?"

Lynn screws her eyes shut as she screams while the train runs her over. Except, she's not dead, and the train has passed. She opens her eyes slowly and sees Agent Percival standing before her and realizes it was a mission all along. "Congratulations, Miss Walters," Percival says. "Very well done."

Lynn breathes a breath of relief. "Jesus, Percival, had me scared there for a moment," She says as she breathes heavily. "How'd everyone else do?" She asks as Percival proceeds to cut her free from the ropes.

"Eggsy passed, Charlie failed," Percival says. "Let's get you up to where everyone else is, shall we?"

Lynn follows Agent Percival through the halls and into a room that Harry, Merlin, and Eggsy were all in. There was a window that peered into the room where Lynn was just in. "Stand next to Eggsy, please."

Lynn walks over and stands directly next to Eggsy. Harry stands diagonal from Eggsy, while Percival stands diagonal from Lynn. "Galahad, Percival, congratulations. Your candidates have reached the final stage of the testing process. As tradition allows, you now have 24 hours to spend with them," Merlin says. "Eggsy, you should know your father reached this point," He says before continuing with his other statement. "From now on, there are no safety nets. Understood?" 

Both Lynn and Eggsy nod. "Good. Dismissed."

As soon as they'd gotten out of the building, the two had requested an hour together. They had agreed to do this in the beginning, mostly as a joke, but since they'd both made it to the end they decided it would be a good idea. They wanted time to talk, since this may be the last time they see each other.

So that's why they were on the roof of Harry's house, sitting in silence. Things had gotten awkward because of their situation earlier, so they weren't really sure where to start. It was meant to be a time of conversing, reminiscing on memories they had during their training. But they had nothing to say to each other.

"So," Lynn says. "Maybe you should address earlier."

Eggsy sniffles as he adjusts his hat. "What 'bout it?"

Lynn glances at him. "Dunno, maybe the fact you kept shooting me dirty looks. Maybe about the fact you tried to walk into a mission about flirting with someone having your arm around my waist? You're really lucky I caught that, could've fucked us all." 

"Technically we were fucked from the beginning so does it matter?" Eggsy says.

"That don't excuse the fact you were being a prick," Lynn says. "Seriously, Eggs, what's up with you? I've never seen you act like that. Did I do something to piss you off?"

Eggsy shakes his head. "Na, don't worry about it."

Lynn looks at him. "We have less than an hour left to speak to each other for maybe forever, and this is how you're doing this? Seriously Eggsy?" 

"Look, whatever I say you're gonna hate me for, so again, it doesn't matter," Eggsy says. "Either way, we won't be speaking to each other again."

Lynn puts her hands on Eggsy's shoulders and forces him to face her, the same way he had done to her on the plane. "Fuckin' listen to me, just spit it out, whatever it is, 'right?" She says. "I don't care what it is, Eggsy. If this is the last time we're speaking to each other, so be it, who fuckin' cares what you say now?"

"Na, because I'm not like this," Eggsy says. "This— this isn't me. I don't care for people like this, like I do you, that ain't me. I ain't the one to fall head over heels for people, 'n yet here you fucking are. Walking up in here, doing nothin', hatin' my fucking guts at first, with good purpose. I don't know why or how or why it's you. Fuckin'— it's fuckin' you, Lynn, it has been since this whole shit started!"

All the pieces in Lynn's head started falling into place. So that's why he wanted to be her friend so badly, to get closer to her, to know more about her. That's why he cared so much, because he'd always cared. "Shit, Eggsy, I didn't know you were this emotional," Lynn says to make him laugh, because she just now realized they were both on the brink of tears. 

"I think I realized something was different when I trusted you," Lynn says. "You know me, I don't trust barely anyone. I didn't even trust that girl. Fuckin— Amelia? Yeah, no, I didn't trust her. Only reason I trusted Harry and Merlin was because I was around them frequently as a child, because of my brother, you know," She says. "But you, I have never trusted no one like you. Especially with all that plane stuff, dunno how you got me to actually jump."

"Shit, wish you would've told me that earlier Dove," Eggsy says as he pulls Lynn in for a hug. She laughs as she tries to not choke on her tears, because she honestly wasn't expecting him to call her that. 

Lynn leans away from the hug before putting one of her hands on the side of Eggsy's face and leans in to give him a kiss. It wasn't anything special, nothing too much, but it meant a lot. 

It didn't last long, either, but it was definitely nothing forgettable. They stopped at the perfect time, too, because not soon after Harry made his way onto the roof to tell them their time was up before heading back inside.

So they stand up together and sit in silence for a moment. "Well, I guess," Eggsy sighs. "If this is it, then we'll meet again somewhere, yeah?" He says, taking off his hat and handing it to her. "Keep it."

"Well shit, now I have to give you something back," Lynn says, causing him to laugh. She carefully takes off the necklace she has on before handing it to him. "See you in another life, yeah Eggs?"

"See you, Dove."

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