Chapter One

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I wake up covered in a cold sweat and bolt straight up in my bed, pulling my blanket with me.

"Did you have the nightmare again?" My best friend Tyler is standing by the window watching me, worry written all over his face.

"Yeah," I tell him.

I've been having the same nightmare for almost four months now and I've become fairly used to them by now. Only this time the dream was different.

It started the same as always. Tyler and I were in the car on the way to the homecoming dance. Something I did not want to attend at all, but he was always adamant about us having all the necessary high school experiences. I could care less about any of it, but I could never argue with Tyler when he had his mind set on something. This time it was homecoming.

When we come up to the bridge, I was looking down at the milkshake stain on my brand new blue dress, and Tyler was laughing at me for being such a klutz. That's when I glance up and see the shadow. I remember yelling at Tyler to look out, but it was too late. We crash.

I've had this dream every single night since it happened. However, this time I saw something new. Something I don't remember from that night. This is the first time there was a boy in my dream. Someone I've never seen before.

I think about telling Tyler all of this but seeing the amount of concern that's already painting his face I decide it's probably better to just hold my tongue. The accident isn't a topic we usually choose to discuss anyway, and I see no reason to start now. Besides, it was only a dream. Yet, when I think of that green-eyed stranger, standing by the river staring at me, I can't help but feel some strange form of Deja vu. Like I know who he is, even though I am sure I've never met this person before. I quickly search my memories for any trace of him, but as expected come up empty. I know there is no way I could ever forget a face that beautiful, or those incredibly piercing green eyes. Still, I can't shake the feeling that I've met him before.

I decide to brush the whole thing off as just nerves and anxiety. Today is my first day at a new school and I have been stressing about it for a week now. New school, new town, new everything. Well, I have to face it sometime. I let out a sigh, and finally, drag myself out of bed to get dressed, knowing I can't put it off any longer.

After the accident, my dad decided to move us here to Winchester, Oregon. I can't say I wasn't happy about leaving Seattle, but I still didn't like having to start over at a new place. Especially, in a place this small, where I'm sure a new girl at school wouldn't go unnoticed. At least I will still have my best friend by my side with me today. Well, kind of.

As if sensing my unease, Tyler moves across the room to stand next to me, ghosting right through my bed to get there.

"You know, I still find it kind of creepy when you do that. Would it kill you to walk around objects?"

"No, I'm pretty sure it won't kill me," he smirks at me and I try to hold in my laughter.

"Not funny Ty." I try to scold him, but I am unable to hold it in, and laughter bubbles over. Okay, maybe it was a little funny. Tyler always did have a way of putting me at ease.

I walk to my closet and pull out the first shirt my hand touches, and my favorite pair of jeans, while Tyler, always the gentleman, turns back to the window, so I can get dressed in private.

"How are you feeling about today?" he asks.

"I'm a little nervous actually. I don't want everybody staring at me like I'm in some kind of freak show. I mean, isn't that the whole reason why we moved here in the first place? To get away from all curious eyes?"

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