Chapter Thirty-Three

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My phone rings, bringing the conversation to a halt. I check the time to see that it is a little after noon, so I know it is probably my dad. He is on his first layover in New York and wants to make sure that I was doing okay by myself. I can't help but feel that if he is already this worried, and he's not even in London yet, then this will be an exhausting trip for him.

After assuring him multiple times that everything is, and will remain fine, he promises to call again before I go to sleep. Luckily, I am able to convince him that a text will suffice, and he can call again tomorrow instead. He will probably be jet lagged and it won't do him any good to get all work up with worry twice in one day.

Once I finally manage to get off the phone, we all head downstairs to grab some lunch, but not finding a lot of options that don't involve full on cooking, Paige suggests Dot's. However, since we still have a lot to talk about that isn't exactly crowd friendly conversation, we choose to get it to go instead. Paige volunteers to go pick it up and once she's gone, Tyler turns to me in full panic mode.

"What the hell is going on, Alice?" he asks.

Grabbing a soda, I sit down at one of the kitchen barstools to wait for Paige to get back. "I really wish I knew, Ty. You know I've been feeling like something is off for a few days now."

"I do know, and I should have taken it more seriously. I'm sorry about that."

"Don't be. Besides if you remember correctly most of my fears were targeted towards not trusting Paige, who has ended up being the only non-creepy thing that's happened recently," I say.

"Well, I wouldn't exactly say that. Finding another person with powers is a little creepy."

"Yeah, I guess you have a point there."

"What are the odds of that anyway?" he wonders.

Probably pretty slim, I think. But statistics never was something I was good at. My whole life I've never come across anybody else like me and then all of a sudden there's Paige. What are the odds indeed...

"Well to be fair," Tyler continues, "you've never really traveled anywhere to meet other people."

"That is true," I agree.

"Not to mention that you don't exactly go around advertising your powers, and for good reason, right?"

"Also, true," I agree.

"So, who knows how many people like you are walking around, but are just hiding it," he shrugs.

"All good points. Yet, I still can't shake the feeling that it is more than that," I tell him. "I'm not sure why, but I feel Paige and I met for a reason. She said she found me because she had a vision of me using my power at some point in the future, but she also admitted that she's never had a vision of someone like us before. So why me? Why now?"

Tyler paces the kitchen while he thinks it over. "Do you think it has something to do with proximity?" he wonders. "Like maybe she had a vision of you, because you are the only other person like her that she has come close to."

I have to admit it is a good theory, but there is only one piece of information missing before I can agree with it. I need to ask Paige when she had the vision. Before, or after I moved to Westchester. Unable to wait for her to return, I decide to text her about it.

Quick question

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