Chapter Twenty-Five

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My dad stands up from his chair, eyes already narrowed at Finn as he makes his way over to us. I spot Tyler walking down the staircase, before stopping halfway down to sit. I guess we will be having an audience. Spiffy.

When my dad reaches us, Finn immediately holds out his hand to greet him. "Hello, Mr. mason. It's a real pleasure to meet you, sir."

"A real pleasure?" my father asks. "And why is that? Are you a fan of mine or something? You don't even know me boy, so why in the world would meeting me bring you any kind of pleasure?"

Oh no, kill me now! I glance over to catch Finn's expression, and I'm surprised to see that he is perfectly calm. He doesn't look the least bit phased by my father's outburst.

"Well sir, it's a pleasure, because I know how important you are to Alice. And anybody important to her is just as important to me."

He releases his full mega-watt smile and while ignoring his bullshit about me being important to him, I am just about to give that round to Finn. But then my father fires back.

"My daughter is important to you, huh? And just how long have you two known each other? Because if I recall, she only started going to your school this week," he says.

Oh, when will this agony end? I can hear Tyler snickering from his spot on the stairs, and I swear if the boy wasn't already a ghost, I would kill him.

"Um yeah, I mean yes. Sir. I did just meet her this week," Finn's confidence starts to wane.

"So, you are telling me," my dad continues, "that you haven't even known her for a full week, and yet, you claim that she is just oh so important to you. Am I hearing that right, son?

"Umm, yes sir?"

"In that case, would it be safe to assume that you are one of those Fabio guys then?"

"Fabio guys?" Finn asks, confused by the reference.

"You know," Dad continues, "The ones that seem to fall in love with every girl that will give him the time of day, at least until getting bored and moving on to the next one."

Nailed it! I think to myself secretly loving watching Finn get called out for being a player. However, no matter how on-point my dad's assumptions may be, I don't want to let things continue and get too out of control.

"Dad, that is enough!" I interject.

"Okay, okay," he agrees. "So, Fitz. Where exactly do you plan on taking my daughter this evening?"

Did he seriously just call him Fitz? This can't be happening. At least Tyler, who now isn't even trying to hold back his laughter, is loving the whole scene. Jerk.

"Well sir, I was thinking we could go-"

My dad holds up his hands to cut him off, "Let me stop you right there, son. The correct answer is nowhere."

"Dad!" I nearly shout, "No more, okay."

As much as I might enjoy seeing Finn humiliated by my father right now, I also don't want to be treated like I have no say in my own life either.

"Look," he says ignoring me and keeping his intention solely on Finn, "I'm not going to lie. I don't know you, but I know your type, and I sure don't feel comfortable with the idea of you being anywhere alone with my daughter."

"Dad!" I start to protest again, but this time it's Finn who cuts me off.

"I completely understand Mr. Mason. How about if Alice and I just hang out here then?" he suggests, gesturing to the living room, then turns to look down at me. "That way you both can get to know me better."

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