Chapter Five

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The next day when I arrive at school, I decided to go straight to my locker with my head down. If Finn is around, I want it to seem like I don't even care. I come to the same corner where we had our collision yesterday, but this time manage to turn it without incident. Disappointed, I realized I wasn't so much hoping to avoid a repeat, as wishing for one. A glance at Tyler lets me know that my feelings must be painted on my face, and I try to convey through my expression that he better not say a word about it. He holds up his hands like he wouldn't dare mention a thing, but I can see the humor in his eyes, and I know he thinks I am being ridiculous.

I continue onwards and then actually do spot him. Finn is standing outside a set of double doors at the end of the hallway. I stop walking and watch him, hoping he will look up and see me too. Unfortunately, he is surrounded by a large group of people, and it looks like they are all laughing and having a smoke before classes start. So, my being noticed doesn't seem very likely. I also realize that the two people standing closest to him, on either of his sides, are girls. Figures. I witness him wrap his arm around one of them, and I desperately want to know if it was the same blonde from yesterday. However, I can't see her face, because of course, she is looking up at him and he is blocking her from view. My eyes narrow in on her, and as if she can sense me, she turns her head in my direction. Yep, It's definitely the same slut-zilla from yesterday.

"Gross, isn't it?" says a disgruntled female voice.

Not even noticing her approach, I look over startled at the short, brown-haired girl standing next to me. She has her arms crossed over her chest in clear disapproval while also looking out at Finn and his gang of miscreants. Unsure of how to respond, and also too angry, I choose to ignore her and turn my attention back to the scene outside.

"Let's just go, Ali," Tyler says. "Don't waste your time caring about that jerk."

I know he is right, and apparently, I am starting to draw attention to myself just standing here, but I still find it impossible to look away. Then I watch in horror as she sticks her hand into the back pocket of his jeans and squeezes. My blood starts to boil and suddenly, all I can think about is ripping that arm right off her body and beating her with it. I'm a little taken aback by the sudden feeling of violence that passes through me. I've never had such a violent reaction that way before. Actually, I've always been a little too passive if I'm being honest. Not to mention the fact that I don't even know this guy, so being jealous of his girlfriend is a completely irrational emotion to have.

As if sensing where my thoughts have turned, the girl standing next to me decides to fill me in with some details.

"That's Callie," she sneers the name. "She's Finn's little plaything."

Then as if we called her name, Callie turns her head to once again look directly at me and flashes a smug smile in my direction... And the rage takes over.

Just like it was what happened when I lost control while in my room the day before, a rush of wind from outside flings the double doors wide open startling Finn and his entire group as the metal slams against the walls. It continues blowing forward, taking papers off lockers and bulletin boards, and tossing them all around the hall. The current reaches me and circles my body, caressing me. My hair begins to whip all around my face blocking my vision, and I can vaguely hear Tyler yelling at me to make it stop. But the roar is deafening, and his voice doesn't quite reach. Nothing does until I feel something touch my arm, and I look over to see the brown-haired girl is still there and she is looking at me with only concern in her eyes, instead of the fear or confusion that I would have expected.

"Are you okay, Alice?" I see her mouth form the words more than hearing them. However, it still works to give me pause, and as my rage dies down, so does the wind.

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