Chapter Thirty-Four

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About five minutes later Paige calls wanting details, and I give her a recap of everything that happened, and after calling Finn a few choice names, she lets me know she is on her way and hangs up. I finish combing through the last book while I wait to no avail, but as twenty minutes go by and Paige still doesn't show, I start to get worried.

I put the books on the shelf and send a text asking where she is, then wait another ten minutes until I finally hear the knock on the door. Feeling relieved I run down to open it, but instead find Finn.

"Look I really can't fight with you right now, okay," I tell him, "I'm waiting for Paige, and she hasn't shown up yet, and I'm worried."

I start to close the door, but he reaches out to stop it. "Paige is fine," he tells me.

I open the door all the way back up and narrow my eyes at him suspiciously. "And how would you know that?"

"Because she just left my house about five minutes ago," he informs me.

"I don't follow."

"Can I come in please?"

I move aside and close the door as he continues, "Paige showed up at my house about half an hour ago to yell at me."

I can hear Tyler laughing from the living room, but I don't say anything and let him continue explaining.

"She basically told me to stop being such a douche nozzle, or I was going to lose you for good. And honestly just thinking of the possibility of that was one of the worse feelings I've ever had," he pauses to look me in the eyes, "I'm sorry, Alice. I was such a jerk and I just got so jealous which is not a feeling I can say I've had before, and I became irrational."

If only he knew that I made a tornado, and almost took out a school hallway all thanks to my own jealousy. I smile to myself at the memory.

"What's so funny?" he asks me.

"Nothing. I am just finding you extremely adorable right now," I say, as I walk over to wrap my arms around his neck. He bends down to kiss me, and I can't help but smile against his lips.

He pulls his head back just enough to look at me before saying, "If it's not too late, I would still like to have our date. What do you think?"

I pretend to think about it. "Hmm, I'm not sure..... Maybe."

"Oh, you think you're funny, don't you?" he playfully pokes me in the sides.

"Okay! Okay! I give!" I squeal. "Do I at least have time to change?"

"You can if you want, but personally I don't think you need to. You are already beautiful."

"Awwww, that was very cheesy. Thank you."

I kiss him on the nose then step back to take in his appearance to get an idea of the dress code. He is wearing dark jeans and a white T-shirt under his leather jacket, and his bronze hair is wild, like it has been perfectly tousled by the wind. He looks absolutely perfect.

I hurry upstairs to get dressed for our date, slipping off my jacket before I even reach the bedroom. I pull my purple sweater over my head and toss it on floor and start searching my closet for what to wear.

"You should wear the green silky top," I hear Tyler say.

"You've really got to stop popping in when I'm half naked, Ty." I pull the blouse he described off the hanger and hold it up to my body before turning around. "You mean this one?" I ask him.

"It looks good with your red hair," he shrugs.

I turn back around to pull it on. Then not wanting to wear pants that were now probably covered in dust and spider webs from the garage, I grab a black pair of jeans off a hanger. I quickly kick off my shoes, and switch pants then turn back around to grab my jacket.

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