Chapter Thirty-Seven

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We head upstairs to my computer hoping we can find something online that might be able to help us solve this mystery. Unfortunately, we find nothing about milkshakes becoming hot, or shadows moving by themselves. We also don't find anything on reoccurring dreams either. At least nothing that we haven't already thought of ourselves or that can be found in any beginner psychology book such as traumatic events, or your subconscious trying to speak to you, and blah blah blah. We end up spending almost three hours googling to no avail, when we decide to call it quits for the day. So, basically research time is a complete bust.

Still not ready to give up the search, Paige suggests that we spend tomorrow at the library. Thinking we might be able to find some information the good old fashion way. Hell, It's worth a try. Although tomorrow is Monday and I'm not too keen on the idea of skipping school to do so. However, after Tyler asks me to go, the look on his face makes me instantly cave. I think he needs this mystery solved more than I even realized.

After Paige declares that she needs to go home for family game night, Tyler decides he better go with her. Apparently, our little walk down memory lane today has him on edge, and he doesn't want her to leave alone. I appreciate him wanting to help protect her, but the shadow already got to him once. Who will protect him?

"It's not like it can kill me twice Ali-cat," he says.

"So, not funny, Tyler."

"I'll be fine," he promises before heading out the door with Paige.

Now that I am alone, I pull out my phone to text Finn, and find a message from him already waiting for me, letting me know he can come back whenever I want him too. I text him back letting him know that Paige has just left, and I am now home all by myself, and not even five minutes later he is knocking on my door.

As soon as he's inside I'm greeted by my favorite smile and am being instantly swept up into a kiss. Knowing how close we came last night to taking such a big step in our relationship, I decide it's best to keep things out of the bedroom this time around. So, I lead him into the living room instead, handing over the remote. I tell him to choose whatever he wants, while I get us some snacks. Getting the hint, he complies without question or complaint, and it makes me like him even more.

When I return, I am holding a bowl of popcorn and two sodas, but nearly drop it all in surprise when I spot Tyler sitting in my dad's chair. Sneaky little ghost.

I try to signal for him to make himself scarce without looking too obvious, but he pretends to not see me. Now he's gone from sneaky to irritating.

Taking a seat on the love seat next to Finn, I set all the snacks on the coffee table, and once my hands are free, he pulls me closer and leans in for a kiss. I kiss him back, but then try to subtly break it off before it gets too heavy in front of prying eyes. I start the movie Finn has pulled up for us to watch, and make sure to focus all my attention on the screen instead of my urge to climb on top of him, remaining hyper aware of Tyler only a few feet away. And when Finn gets up to go to the bathroom, I take the opportunity to tell my bestie how creepy it is that he is sitting there watching us.

"Why? It's not like lover boy can see me anyway."

"Hello! But I still can!" I hiss.

"Sorry, but after what I saw this morning, there is no way I am leaving you unchaperoned."

"Oh, come on! We're not going to do anything," I try to assure him.

"You're different with him, Alice."

"That doesn't mean I'm ready to take that step."

Tyler's eyes go wide as he looks behind me, and when I turn around, sure enough, Finn is standing there. He is watching me, looking very confused and also a little worried. "Who are you talking to?"

"Oh umm...." I grab my phone off the end table and hold it up to show him. "Paige called wanting details about what's happening. You know how she is."

Even though she doesn't even know that Finn is here right now, I know that he doesn't know that.

I watch his face hoping he will buy it, and even though he doesn't look fully convinced, he thankfully let's it go anyway.

I turn back around and notice that the chair that was occupied by Tyler is now empty. I guess he decided to trust me after all. Of course, I know he still won't go too far. In fact, he is probably up in the bedroom, making sure it stays off limits. Well, at least we are finally alone right now. So, this time when Finn comes back to the couch and pulls me into his arms, I no longer hold back my urge to kiss him.

                                                           Ω             Ω             Ω

I don't remember falling asleep, but the next thing I know, I am in Finn's arms as he is laying me in my bed. I feel him pull the covers up and move some of my hair away from my face, then he leans down to kiss my cheek.

"Stay," I whisper.

"Are you sure?" he asks.

I move over to make room for him in the bed and open my eyes to watch as he pulls off his clothes and climbs in next to me. I cuddle up close to rest my head on his chest and close my eyes. I can feel his breathing and hear his heartbeat, and nothing has ever made me feel more at peace. I know it is too soon to feel this way, but I also know with certainty that it's the truth. For the first time in my life, I am in love. 

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