Chapter Thirty-One

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I slowly unlock the door and pull it open just a crack to see Finn sitting on the step, with his head in his hands. He looks distraught, and it works to chase away the last of my hesitation. I pull the door open the rest of the way, and he pops his head up surprised.

"Alice!" he sighs in relief, and in an instant he is on me, wrapping me in an embrace so tight it's as if his life depends on it.

"I can't breathe, Finn," I tap his side with my palm to get his attention.

He picks me up and walks me inside, kicking the door closed behind him with his foot, before setting me back on my feet. When he finally releases his tight grip, he pulls back just enough to look at me. He holds both sides of my face in his hands, trying to get me to meet his eyes.

"I can't lose you, Alice," he says with severe sincerity.

I look up to meet his gaze and notice that they are completely bloodshot. Finn Sawyer was crying.

"Come on," I say, "Let's sit down so we can talk."

I walk us both over to the couch, and I take my seat while waiting for him to join. Instead, he kneels in front of me and grabs my hands to hold in his.

"I am so sorry, Alice," he starts. "I swear I didn't lie to you. I wish I had some sort of explanation, but I don't," he pauses to move that same stubborn lock of hair back behind my ear, "I always want to tell you the truth no matter what. I need you to believe me," he begs.

Just like before, when I look into his eyes I can see the sincerity in them, and I know in my soul that he is being honest with me. Not to mention I have absolutely zero reasons to ever believe anything that comes out of Callie's mouth. She literally just came over to threaten me away from him, so of course, she would lie to try to tear us apart. "I believe you, Finn"

"You do?" he asks hopefully.

"Yes, I do, and I'm sorry I freaked. I should know better than to listen to the crazy ex-girlfriend," I joke. "I know you didn't do anyth--" His lips are on mine before I can finish.

He leans into me, and my legs open automatically to give him more space as I throw my arms around his neck and kiss him back feverishly.

Finn puts his hands underneath each of my thighs and lifts me off the couch like I weigh nothing, then spins around to fall back down. Now he is the one sitting on the couch, while I am on his lap straddling him. Never once does he break the kiss.

I grip the back of his hair, locking him in place, and he lifts one of his hands to cup the back of my neck. The other goes under my shirt, snaking up my back and leaving a trail of fire wherever his fingers touch.

Once he has his hold on me, he then flips me over onto my back to climb on top of me. He pauses, giving me time to protest this more intimate position, but stopping is the last thing I want right now. Instead, my hands grab the hem of his shirt and I work to pull it over his head. He backs up, just long enough to help me remove it, then tosses it away before coming back down to crash his mouth on mine again.

We are so engrossed in each other, that the sound of the doorbell doesn't register at first.

"You better open this door right now, Alice Mason!" I hear Paige yell from outside. "Don't think I won't break it down!"

Finn and I pull our faces apart, unable to hold in our laughter. Paige sure can kill a mood. He jumps off me and I make my way to the door.

"Oh, hell no!" She says putting her hands on her hips and giving me a once-over as soon as the door is open.

Feeling self-conscious, I try to straighten my shirt and smooth down my ruffled hair while she walks in and spots Finn in the living room. Currently in the process of pulling his shirt over his head.

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