Chapter 1: Inferno's descent

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The day was bright and beautiful until the fire started.

The red jet flew fast over the populated city with me at the controls. The call came in a few minutes ago that workers were trapped inside a burning building and the fire brigade were not gonna make it.

So into the elevator I went, got the suit on and prepared to launch. The red jet shot out of the mountain like a rocket and I was now high above the city. I moved the controls so that the jet would lower to a nearby lake to pick up some water.

The hatches opened and in it went. I then directed the jet up as the factory was almost in view.

"Computer, slow the jet and prepare to drop the water over the factory's fires" I spoke to the jet.

"Yes sir" the robotic voice responded and just as I said the jet began slowing and the hatches opened.

On a screen to my left that was showing what was directly below us I saw the water come down across the major fires. I pulled the jet back up as the black smoke kept rising from the factory.

The crowd of workers below cheered as I went by. I did a loop-de-loop with a smile to show off but was soon interrupted.

"Boss, scans of the factory indicate that there are still people inside" the computer said.

"All right then, leave me beside the factory and go refill the tanks then repeat what we just did over the other fires" I said to the computer.

The jet did as it was told and I ran head first into a burning warehouse building. The fire brigade had only arrived outside as I heard screams for help.

"Sauron mask, switch to sonar mode" I shouted to my computerised mask. It switched to sonar and quickly I spotted a large number of workers in the next room that had it's doors blocked by a massive warehouse crane that had fallen from the roof.

I grabbed hold on the heavy crane and lifted with all my strength. I held it high and threw it into a corner. The people inside burst through the door and over some harsh coughing they said:

"It's the Crimson Crusader! I knew he'd save us"

Of course that was my alter ego, Mike Murray was my real name but when I started this I needed something to cover my identity. The press came up with the name and it kinda just stuck.

"This way to the nearest exit folks" I shouted to them as I helped them out of the building.

When I got outside I saw the fire fighters doing their job with ambulances on stand by. I saw the red jet soar overhead and dropping another load of water onto the flames extinguishing them.

One of the male workers that had made it out collapsed on me and said:

"The main factory, there's more people in there" he said as he pointed toward the largest of the buildings. The fire fighters on that building were making no progress keeping the flames of that building down as I ran toward it.

Blood curdling screams of pain were coming from inside as I busted open the wooden doors and got inside.

I darted around the factory floor as the fire spread quickly through the machines. I heard a knocking coming from a door on the other side of the room. Someone was trying to get out.

I sprinted through the factory and grabbed the door handle to find it locked. I punched the handle with full force to break the knob and the lock which surprisingly worked.

I looked into the room. Two blackened skeletons lay there being consumed by fire with a third on the other side of the door still holding onto the handle.

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