Chapter 14: Skyward chase

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We pick up with the dark warrior after he made his message to the team. He had just learned that the special forces were actually deadly robots because he accidently chopped one's head off.

He had broken into a separate G.R.O.W. base and was fighting through hordes of G.R.O.W. personnel. He reached the G.R.O.W.'s digital archive and started looking for something. The place looked like a server room with rows and rows of glass cased computers.

He reached the one he was looking for and started hacking into it after plugging in a wire from his suit. He had almost got what he was looking for when something popped up.

"Data missing?" he said.

"It means the all info has been moved somewhere else" the voice of his guy in the chair said.

"Where to?" he responded.

"The G.R.O.W. have downloaded all incriminating data onto a machine upstairs which is being loaded into one of their jets which is leaving in exactly three minutes"

The warrior didn't even wait for the voice to stop. He followed the directions upstairs to the most heavily guarded docking bay he had seen that day. He saw the machine in the jet. It was like a large, dark rectangular box with wires and circuit boards all over it.

He jumped down and was immediately met with an open fire. He walked through the shower of bullets and walked forward like it was rain coming against him. The jet tried launching but was caught by the fuel cable and stayed where it was.

A special forces bot on board whipped out a bazooka and fired it straight at him. It exploded with force and sent all the agents around him straight into the walls. When the smoke cleared the warrior stood there and laughed.

The fuel cable snapped, and the jet lurched forward into the sky. The warrior ran and caught the end of the cable. The jet was heading for a small island that G.R.O.W. owned but no one knew what happened there.

The warrior climbed up the cable while the bot shot at him. The warrior pulled out his own weapon and shot the jet's engines. He jumped inside as the jet descended towards the island and fought the machine. The jet crashed into the beach with a thunderous BOOM.

The warrior crawled out of the wreckage and plugged his wire into the rectangular machine. His guy in the chair got to work and stole the data just in time for G-8200 to be shut down and all G.R.O.W. computers with it.

"Did we get it?" warrior asked.

"Yes, all that remains to acquire is the book" his assistant said.

The warrior sat up.

"Good. Now that that's done you can pick me and our guest up" he said.

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