Chapter 8: It's a trap!!

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The justice jet soared down back into the city and landed gently on the athletics field beside a tall, modern looking school. Tom and Kelly rushed to the front of the G.R.O.W. barricade as they had sealed off the school from anyone entering or anything exiting. The orange and black uniformed soldiers had surrounded the building and were heavily armed and armoured.

A G.R.O.W senior officer spotted them and waved them over to him.

"Where is Crimson Crusader?" he questioned as they approached.

"He's busy elsewhere. What's the situation and how can we help?" Tom retorted.

"An hour ago a small asteroid landed inside the school and an extra-terrestrial life form got out from it and went on a feeding frenzy inside here" he explained as he brought out a tablet to show them camera footage.

In the videos the teens ran from a green mass of limbs and tentacles which ran through hallways sporadically.

"We've already sent in two fire-teams with no success each time. We have no idea what this thing can do but we have been ordered to exterminate it at all costs. We need this over quickly so I'm sending in another team with you" he declared.

With that Tom and Kelly entered the darkened school building with a team of G.R.O.W. troopers with them. They were given earpieces that would stop the noise of the guns but enable them to speak to eachother.

They searched through destroyed classrooms and battered hallways until finally they rounded a corner to see the gymnasium. The team leader immediately told them to get back around the corner as he had seen it. Tom being right next to the corner volunteered to look to see if it was actually there.

He nudged out and saw it. A gruesome hodge-podge of green limbs and tentacles that moved and breathed. He heard the creature munch its way through something but it had its back turned to him and was sitting on a pile of...

Tom quickly got back as the image froze in his eyes. The alien was sitting on a pile of body parts, torn clothes and various organs. He got back because he swore that it had turned and looked at him with hollow, yellow eyes.

He breathed in and out and looked again. He then looked again.

It was gone.

He got back and looked at his sister and the soldiers waiting for a signal.

A drop of blood fell from the ceiling.

They all looked up to the monster clinging to the ceiling.

"OPEN FIRE" the leader shouted as the creature leapt down onto him and entangled him with its many outgrowths. He roared in pain as the creature simply absorbed the bullets being shot at it.

Kelly spotted a grenade from a dead trooper that was on the ground.

"Get back!" she shouted and the troopers moved backward as their captain was fully devoured by the thing. She pulled the pin and threw it into the creature. It sank into its skin like the bullet and they got to the ground.

It exploded with a BOOM. They looked back up to see that it had expanded with the explosion but was quickly shrinking back to its regular size. It turned and charged them, ripping through the limbs of the rest of the troopers like a hot knife through butter. Tom and Kelly ran separate ways to escape the building.

They were frightened beyond belief and did not wish to meet the same end as the troopers. Tom journeyed upstairs and walked quietly to not attract attention. It was obvious that they were not capable of stopping the alien and so all was left to do was escape the building.

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