Chapter 7: King's birth

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The justice jet raced across the sky and reached the tropical island with a large, modern looking complex of buildings built all over it. They went in for a landing at the strip but bullets started firing at them.

"Come in aircraft, you have no jurisdiction to land here, over" a gruff man's voice came over the ships radio.

Kelly grabbed the speaker of the radio and responded:
"Come in Lanif institute, we are badly in need of fuel and request only a refill, over"

After a moment the voice responded:

"You have permission to land but please do not leave your vehicle while we refill you, over"

"Much obliged, over" Kelly accepted.

Tom turned off the radio and as they made their way back to the Island.

"Okay, when we get there, you stay in the jet and say it's only you in here if they come while I go look for dad" Tom announced.

"Alright, I'll be ready to take off in case anything goes wrong" Kelly affirmed.

They landed on the dirt airstrip on the side of the island. Tom immediately got out through a hatch and ran for the trees. He watched from his hiding place as a yellow fuel truck pulled up to jet and hooked itself up.

Kelly radioed to Tom that she had told the Island staff that it was just her and that they believed her. With that he made his way through the thick woods to a building.

He dusted the keypad to see the numbers 1,2,3 and 4 had been used. He thought to himself that surely a secure facility like this wouldn't make one of its passwords 1234 but after trying it the door unsealed and he made his way inside.

The hallways were low and square like a hospital but smelled clean like chlorine. Tom darted around avoiding people in hazmat suits. He opened, checked inside and closed the doors to several rooms. He then came across a room with a man restrained on a table. Tom looked through the one two way mirror into the room at the guy who had grey eyes and dark, messed up hair.

Then a hazmat suit wearing person went into the room and injected the unconscious man with a syringe of something. The hazmat wearer quickly darted out and locked the door.

After a few moments the ground began to tremble and then stopped again. Tom watched on in horror as the man woke up to find a few blades of grass had sprouted from the skin on his bare right arm. He started thrashing and moving as more vines and plants came growing rapidly out of every orifice. He screamed and wailed as they came out his mouth and then winced in pain when they grew from his eyes and ears.

Tom was frozen in panic as the unfortunate test subject was engulfed in flora. Then the plants started to squeeze into him and he wasted away until the mass of green vines, grass and leaves dropped off the table and onto the floor in a humanoid shape.

Tom backed away from the mirror and tried to get the image of out his head. The ground began to shake again but this time it didn't stop.

Tom gasped as he looked through the window to see the humanoid plant shape was rising up to stand. It charged the door and broke out. Alarm bells rang as it creeped out into the halls.

Tom looked around the corner to see the being rampage through labs of people in white coats. It grew trees through the floor which trapped and surrounded two people, it then grew a large patch of a plant with a heart shaped leaf all over the floors, the people that ran through these were stung by the leaves and dropped to the floor writhing in pain.

Tom knew he had to help these people even if they had caused this terrible creature to form so he shot an explosive at the main plant leader. It tore apart the creature, which immediately grew back to its full height and turned to face him. At its chest area it grew out a patch of dark leaves which it morphed to look like armour. Then on its prickly head it formed a crown like shape out of large thorns.

It screeched as it charged for him. Tom ran and led it back the way he came to give the workers time to run. He continued shooting explosives from his gauntlet gloves to slow it down but every time it would grow back and continue chasing him.

He radioed to Kelly to prepare the jet for immediate takeoff. She responded:
"I was ready as soon as those earth-quakes started happening".

Tom burst outside and ran through the wilderness as the grass seemed to tug at his boots at every step. He sprinted to the airstrip where the jet was already moving to takeoff. He jumped up and into the open side-door as the jet roe from the ground.

They flew up as trees and vines grew up and encased the runway. When they got high enough they saw the workers of the facility getting away in their boats but the plant king was grabbing them and pulling them back.

Kelly readied the weapons and opened fire on the plant arms that outstretched from the island. The boats broke free and sped off while the entire island shifted and grew up into a giant mass of different plants.

It swatted at the jet as it flew around firing everything it had at them.

"Kelly if this thing reaches the mainland then everyone on Earth is screwed" Tom explained.

"Then theres only one thing to do to stop it" she responded.

Before she could do anything a massive blast erupted from the island and shook the sea. The jet flew fast to escape and when they looked back the entire island had been blown to pieces.

"Who the hell were those people?" Kelly asked.

"I don't know, but maybe they didn't deserve saving after what they did to the guy that turned into that plant monster" Tom stated coldly.

"What about dad?" Kelly inquired.

"He wasn't there, but he's still alive, I know it. He just wasn't here" Tom said confidently.

Suddenly a beeping noise went off on the jet's computer. The voice of the computer came on and exclaimed:

"Imminent threat to all life on Earth detected, proceeding to location of threat"

Then the auto-pilot took over and the two heroes lurched back into their seats as the jet sped across the sky.

"What's happening?" Tom questioned.

"It sounds like something is happening and were the only ones who can stop it" Kelly guessed.

"Alright, we'll go take care of whatever this is and then go back to looking for dad" Tom proclaimed.

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