Chapter 10: Trapsmith's ambush

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The prison warden made his way to his office in the late hours of the night. The prisoners had settled in for the night (most of them) and he was heading to get his things and return home.

He opened the door and sat at down at his desk in the darkness. Suddenly he heard a gun click behind him and a cold piece of metal was pressed to his head.

"What do you want" the warden asked.

The deep, demonic voice behind him answered:

"I want you to release Mastermind and leave him at the front gate".

"I won't. You don't scare me. In my time here I've dealt with worse people than you" the warden retaliated.

"I know you're not afraid of me, but perhaps your wife and kids would be" he threatened putting a burnt picture of his family in front of him.

The warden breathed in and spoke

"Fine. You win you monster. He'll be out front in ten minutes"

With that the dark warrior disappeared.

Mastermind walked out through the prison yard escorted by two guards. They opened the front gate to find a yellow taxi waiting for him. The driver was a silhouette in the vehicle but he got inside anyway. The rain lashed down onto the roof and pattered.

Once inside the taxi sped off down the road.

"I didn't think the planet protectors would need me so soon" Mastermind joked.

The warrior still clad in his charcoal coloured armour remained silent as he drove.

A truck drove behind them but was not seen at first because it had its lights off.

"Damn" warrior said as he recognised it as a G.R.O.W. vehicle.

He sped up and turned onto a highway. He weaved the car in and out of traffic as he saw G.R.O.W. motorcycles approach. He got on front of the cars but stopped suddenly.

The G.R.O.W. had set up a barricade and he had driven right into it. "It's me they want. You just take this and it will lead you back to my base. Stay there until I come back" dark warrior instructed while giving a phone to mastermind. On it was an updating map of where to go.

Mastermind wanted to stay and help but did not wish to return to prison so soon so he got into the driver's seat while the warrior got out and faced the legion of G.R.O.W. troopers. The taxi sped back in the opposite direction of the cars on the hard shoulder road.

"You are under the arrest for the killing of a G.R.O.W. convoy. Come quietly and there will be no trouble" a female voice said in a mega-phone.

The warrior stood in the lights of the vehicles blocking the road. The red eyes on his helmet squinted as he counted how many of them there were.

He launched himself at them and they opened fire. He grabbed and threw several of them around and incapacitated the rest. When he was done more G.R.O.W. cars arrived and so he led them away into the city.

The following few hours were spent taking out and evading police, SWAT teams and the G.R.O.W.

While this was happening the alarm went off back in the station base with the three youths sleeping. Tom woke up from a well earned sleep to find that someone was calling for the warrior's assistance.

He got up and checked the computer. Kelly awoke along with him to see who it was.

The computer showed that the distress call was coming from across the city.

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