Chapter 13: The battlefield

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So there we all were. The team being split up to assist the World Protection Agency in taking down the G.R.O.W.

The G.R.O.W. had seven main operating bases, one in each continent (yes even antartica). The warzone outside each base was in chaos as jets from each faction were engaged in dogfights. Pelican Woman and Captain Ireland assisted them in the skies.

Pink Crow used her powers to shield W.P.A. troopers as they pushed into the base.

Neverdie and Mastermind fought through wave after wave of armoured agents with the mission to hack the mainframe and shutdown G-8200.

Me, Kelly and Dad were tasked to arrest the man at the top: Pilate Elliot.

The battle raged around us as we made our way into the base.

A deep, threatening voice radioed into the team:

"Everyone, the special forces guys are robots so try to get rid of them" the dark warrior informed.

"We appreciate the info warrior. Just focus on your part of the mission and we're home free" Blue Justice replied.

"Will do, over and out" he replied.

With that we fought floor by floor to the top.

The entrance to Elliot's office was guarded by two special forces agents who immediately attacked us. One of them pulled a powerful grenade and threw it at us. I picked it up and threw it back. The explosion threw open the door and destroyed the two robots.

We entered and I looked back to see one of them crawl away leaking oil.

He stood at the grand window surveying the battle.

"Pilate Elliot, your under arrest for the abduction and unwillful detaining of innocents" Crimson Crusader announced.

He turned around and faced us with a smile on his face.

"I don't know how you did it but somehow you caught me. But I will have the last laugh. Gloria, release Adaptatron"

He spoke to his AI. From the ceiling came down a white and green android. Its eyes glowed to life and it came sprinting at the three heroes.

The three of them fought it with a flurry of martial art attacks. It quickly analysed their style which was more or less the same and countered any moves they used with their powers.

All three of them knew that they just had to keep Elliot busy while Mastermind shut down G-8200.

Blue Justice dodged like he did with the mas-ked and Dart frog jumped at the mechanical man like she did with Chameleo.

Adaptatron scraped and scratched at them, but still they held firm. Then just as quickly as it came, it powered down along with every other computer.

"No, nonononononooooooooo!" Elliot shouted at the machine.

The next few hours were a blur of movement. The G.R.O.W. army surrendered, Elliot was jailed. The next day the W.P.A. started organising what to do with G.R.O.W., they were after all a good asset in a world full of supervillians and taking away all those jobs was not going to happen.

So it was decided that the G.R.O.W. would now be run by the W.P.A. and have someone else put in charge with the innocent supers released. The next week the W.P.A. had a meeting with the Planet Protectors who would take Pelican Woman and Mastermind on to serve out their sentences by serving the people.

Crimson Crusader, Mastermind, Pelican woman, Neverdie and Captain Ireland were to become full time members.

Blue Justice, Dart Frog, Pink Crow, Roger Wildman Wilson, and Deceiver (the shape shifter) were to become part time members.

They sorted out the legal stuff of vigilantism and going into other countries and when all was said and done the W.P.A. held a grand thank you ceremony at the United Nations center in New York. Everyone got a medal and a handshake and Crimson Crusader announced to the world that the Planet protectors would be there to help with any more super-villains or natural disasters and what not.

The next day after the team moved into the new headquarters. It was formerly the summer home of the Murray family but had been "bought" and revamped by Crimson Crusader into a state-of-the-art center with a gym and Olympic swimming pool, en suites and walk in wardrobe in every bedroom and kitchen fit for a Michelin starred restaurant.

Mastermind and Pelican Woman would be staying there as part of probation and Neverdie, Roger and Deciever would be staying as they had nowhere else to stay.

The rest had homes of their own. Captain Ireland returned to his family as a hero. Pink crow finally told her parents about her powers and what had happened. Tom, Kelly and their father started a new chapter in their lives. The kids would still go to school but would do smaller missions on occasion.

All was right and good in the Murray house but one thing still troubled them. Where had their companion the dark warrior been. They assumed he must have perished trying during the battle but would always remember his sacrifice.

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