Chapter 9: The Dark warrior

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So here we were. Me, my sister and Sophie in the back of a G.R.O.W. troop transport truck on our way to an unknown location with our hands in restraints that weakened our powers so we wouldn't bust out.

"Aw crap, what are my parents gonna say when they find out I've been kidnapped" Sophie said as she looked around nervously.

"Don't worry, we'll find a way out of this" I told her but even I didn't believe that. I listened outside to the G.R.O.W. trucks in front of our one and calculated that they had a small armies worth of heavily armed and heavily trained soldiers ready to take us out.

The truck stopped and we lurched forward in our seat. I listened carefully to what was happening outside.

"I think I hit something" a male voice shouted up further at the head of the convoy. I heard more soldiers getting out of their vehicles to help.

After a minute of them searching it started. First there were less voices of soldiers like they were being picked off one by one and then a higher up shouted "open fire" and all I could hear was the chaos of gunfire, shouting, screaming and the breaking of bones. Then there was silence.

I looked to see Kelly and Sophie, now both shivering with fear and all we could hear outside was footsteps coming towards our truck. The truck doors flew open and there in the snow of the pine tree forest stood one man. A cold shiver went down my spine as he stood outside. He was built like Schwarzenegger in his prime and shifted gently.

He was covered head to toe in charcoal coloured armour. His helmet was like a black screen with some sort of a device where the mouth should be and two horns came out of the helmet that curved back at a right angle. He smelled like he had just escaped a burning building and even had ashes on his boots.

The three of us couldn't move and then his eyes came onto the screen, blood red eyes that moved on the screen of his helmet like they were his own, maybe they were?

Then in a deep, demonic voice he said: "If you wish to live, then do exactly as I say and come with me" and then climbed inside and unlocked our handcuffs with the keys he probably stole from the G.R.O.W. soldiers.

We followed him nervously outside where we the entire legion of G.R.O.W. soldiers had disappeared as if they had never existed.

"You didn't kill all of them did you?" I asked as we followed him to the front of the convoy of G.R.O.W. trucks. He ignored me and stopped by a group of hopefully unconscious soldiers.

He spun to face us and I realised that he towered over us in height.

"Grab a torch and follow me" he commanded.

We did as told and followed him into the woods. I was still stuck on the fact that this thing had wiped out all the soldiers but knew this was our only chance to escape them.

We almost lost him twice because he blended in with the blackness of the forest. Then we stopped to find him in a clearing. He pressed a button on his suit and suddenly the ground opened like a trapdoor.

"Just keep going down until you get to the bottom" he instructed.

Sophie climbed down first followed by Kelly and then me. As we climbed the opening above us shut and we were left in darkness except for our flashlights. When we reached the bottom we found him waiting for us and confusion washed through all three of us.

"Come on. My base is this way" he led the way through filthy sewer tunnels.

After what felt like an hour in the tunnels we reached an abandoned underground train station that had been converted to house ten people. A camping stove and fridge lay in either corner and in the centre of the station was a laptop which had been plugged into the station's televisions.

Tom saw that the warrior had changed a drinking faucet to a sink area.

"Well it's not much but it's home for now" he joked as he walked over to the old wooden dining table in the centre.

Tom slammed his hands on the table which shocked Sophie and Kelly but their mysterious just sat down.

"Alright whoever you are. What's going on?, why are the G.R.O.W. after us, did they capture Crimson Crusader and why did you rescue us" Tom demanded.

"Please sit and I will explain our situation" he responded calmly.

The three teen sat on the opposite side of the table and the man got up and went to his computer.

"I am the Dark warrior, well that's what the people call me anyway. I have been working for quite some time with powers beyond belief like you. As for our enemy this is all I could find:

The Genetic Ratification Organisation of the World was founded by the billionaire Pilate Elliot to capture and detain super-powered criminals that regular police couldn't.

For many years his army has worked well in this age of super-people but recently he has targeted heroes like you and me. Why this is I do not know but he has successfully apprehended a good number of innocent super powered people.

There is a high chance that Crimson Crusader is with the rest of the innocents in the main G.R.O.W. prison but our main priority should be bring an end to the G.R.O.W. and getting our information to the World Protection Agency"

He finished.

"So why did you save us" Sophie asked.

"Because I can't do this alone. The G.R.O.W. has a sizeable army and an artificial intelligence on its side which has so far prevented me from hacking the G.R.O.W. computer network"

Kelly had a brainwave and she blurted out:
"What about Mastermind, he can hack any computer and can be called to help the planet protectors any time we want him"

Dark warrior stopped and thought, his scarlet eyes squinting.

"Alright, I'll head out and get him. You stay here and watch the computers in case anyone calls me for help. I've given my number to a few super-powered people who might be targeted next and if they call I'll need you to respond to them" he ordered.

He started to walk out when Tom called:

"What about Crimson Crusader. With Mastermind's help we could get him out as well"

"We'll see" he replied.

He stepped up the stairs and sank into the abyss.

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