Chapter 12: Prison break

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Roger woke to the sound of an alarm blaring. He looked to see he was inside a small, square room with a bed, toilet and table. To him it looked like a futuristic alien room like he had heard the town drunk describe one time.

One of the walls was clear glass which he saw out into an enormous prison complex filled with people of all shapes and sizes as well as hideous creatures which looked like the thing of nightmares.

He saw armoured guards run past his cell towards something. He heard screams of terror as they were knocked out.

He backed away as something walked to his cell. A cold shiver ran down his spine as he saw a dark demonic shape rip open his cell with its bare hands. It flung the glass wall behind it and said in a deep voice:

"Come with me. You are being rescued"

Still confused about everything he decided to follow the man. An intercom sounded as the dark warrior ran with the innocent he had stuck with the tracking device.

"What's your name?" he asked his new cowboy acquaintance.

"Roger Wilson" the man shouted as the continued running through cell blocks.

Two guards appeared and blocked their path.

The warrior ran ahead and grabbed the ankles of the one on the left and swung him into the guard on the right. He picked up their guns and after setting it to stun mode, gave one to Roger.

"Lets go" the dark suited man commanded. An intercom announcement came on:

"ATTENTION, the prison is under attack. All squadrons report to, wait they released the dragon-man?" the announcer said in a panicked tone.

"The what man?" Roger asked but soon they saw it.

An enormous half man – half lizard with pterodactyl wings on it's back flying through the prison on a rampage.

It flew straight for them breathing out a wall of flame.

"Go, run to the others and protect yourself. I'll take this monster" the dark warrior said before jumping over the guard rail and onto the dragon man's back.

The warrior slammed the creature into the concrete below and fought tooth and nail with the beast.

Roger kept going and took out any guards that came in his way.

The prison shook like an in an earth quake from the fight he had just left.

He turned left into a hallway to another strange sight.

A boy and girl, both wearing odd armoured clothing carrying a man that looked like their father on their shoulders.

"Good, you've found us" Blue justice spoke.

"We need to free the rest of the innocent super powered prisoners" Dart frog chimed in.

Blue handed Roger an earpiece and put it in for him.

"Just follow the directions of our guy in the chair" Blue advised.

"I am not your guy in the chair" Mastermind responded into their earpieces.

"Blue and dart-frog, split up and rescue the others. Roger just follow my directions to the ship and dark warrior?" Mastermind asked.

All four of them heard a crash as he responded:

"Some of the super powered criminals have used the break out to escape themselves so I'm a little busy taking care of them".

Another blast followed from the warriors direction.

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