Chapter 4: Dragon-man's wrath

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Back in the city the scarlet swordsman had gotten aboard a G.R.O.W. helicopter and was helping them search the streets for the monster known as Dragon-man.

The chopper flew over the rooftops until at last they saw the creature dive-bombing the crowded streets in search of a meal.

"We can't open fire onto the streets, we have to get it to our level" the pilot announced.

I nodded and came up with an idea.

"Get us closer to it" I commanded.

The vehicle caught up with the creature. I got out the grappling hook gun and aimed carefully before shooting. It missed and I pulled it back in quickly. The dragon-man dived lower and barely missed a pedestrian.

"Hurry it up crusdaer" the G.R.O.W agent snared.

The grappling hook was ready to fire and I steadied my hand. The dragon man swooped down to grab a child that was running with its mother. I shot forward the hook and it wrapped around its scaly legs.

"Pull up now" I shouted as I held on.

We ascended and the monster came with us. It thrashed and turned to escape. The agent on the other side of the open chopper readied a net launcher and fired it. The net entangled the flying lizard as we sped higher and out of the main city.

The dragon-man breathed a fiery wall through the net and grappling hook and they burned quickly like they were made of paper and he dropped downward behind a cloud.

"Where did it go?" the pilot asked.

A large shadow shot past and crashed into the chopper. We lurched from side to side and I fell out.

I caught the skids of the helicopter which only added to its unbalance. The pilot fought to regain control of the vehicle as I saw the dragon come in for another strike.

We had gotten it away from people below, but now I had to get it away from the two agents inside the helicopter. So before it hit I dropped down onto it and wrapped myself around the creature.

We wrestled, punched, kicked and head butted as we went sailing down. I saw the G.R.O.W. chopper follow us down and then turned to see the tops of buildings fast approaching.

I turned the beast in the air so that it would take most of the fall damage and we went into a flat roof. I remained on top and started knocking the crap out of it. Finally the creature lay unconscious and I collapsed next to it.

"Good work Crusader, we'll take it here" the pilot blared from the chopper.

I gave a thumbs up and lay down next to dragon man. Its chest still rising and falling as its nostrils flared. It was an abomination of nature designed to look a thing from a fairy tale. Why the G.R.O.W. wanted it kept alive was beyond me but as long as it was kept off the streets was all that mattered to me.

Before I closed my eyes again I saw the dark figure from before watch onfrom the top of another roof. I sat up in shock to find it was gone again.

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