Chapter 2: Mastermind's plan

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As the jet sped across the sky to Japan I wondered if my children had followed me into the lair. I assumed they would stay in the kitchen but after the bombshell of truth I just lay on them they may have followed to find out more.

I lowered the jet into view as I saw the bullet train below flying along the rails at a terrible speed.

I shot forth the grappling hooks from the jet and set the jet to go in the opposite direction of the train to slow it down.

"Computer how are we doing with trying to unhack the train?" I said to the jet as I struggled with the controls.

"Dad we just have to bypass his firewall and then we can free the train" said the voice of Kelly.

"Kid's what are doing in there?" I questioned.

"We followed you into your super secret lair and saw you needed help" the voice of Tom added.

"Alright just don't touch any of the weapons" I responded

I finally felt that the train was slowing down so I eased up slowly on the jet's engines. Thank goodness for all those coding lessons with them

"Okay it's done dad" Kelly spoke.

"Good job kids, you saved a lot of people today" I responded.

"We also managed to track where the signal was coming from and it's close by to you" Tom said.

The location showed up on the map screen to my right.

"Okay, thanks to you both. Computer show the kids out of the lair please" I responded.

With that I guided the jet in the direction of the coordinates and it flew across the sky.

The coordinates brought me to a dump and incinerator complex. Not wanting to land the jet in trash I parked it on the roof. I made my way inside the building and it smelled just as pleasant as any dump you can imagine.

The visions started as soon as I entered the same room he was in.

He wore green and red armour. Red boots, gloves, belt and face covering with a red symbol of a bird on his chest. The rest of his armour was a green metal of some kind.

He stood across a catwalk that was over the conveyer belt that brought trash to be burned.

"Well, this is a surprise. I was just getting ready to leave" he said as pointed his thumb behind him.

The room shifted as the visions got more intense. Mastermind was genius level smart, a master of many martial arts and had the ability to make others see things the wrong way. He could mentally screw with you while he sliced you up with his silver sword.

"A lot of people could have died today Lawrence, I know your desperate for money but you've gone too far this time" I shouted to what I thought was him.

We had found out each other's secret identities a long time ago but none of us had gone after the other's family. Yet.

He kicked me in the back from behind sending me forward into the railing. I pulled out my sword and got it ready to strike but my vision was still full with illusions he had put in my head.

The floor and walls seemed to move all around as I tried to look for him while holding onto the railing.

"Damnit Lary, just listen to me for one second, I'll pay off your debts if you give yourself up" I shouted into the direction I thought he was.

"Then I'll be sent down for life" he responded as he materialised in front of me and punched me hard into face.

I attempted to swing back but he was gone and the room was still shifting in one hundred directions.

"Not if you join me and help protect the world to make up for your actions" I shouted back.

"This sounds a lot like joining the dark side, what do you want me to rule by your side aswell?" he responded jokingly.

Suddenly every object in sight seemed to float in different directions. I was beginning to feel sick from all this motion.

I then saw Mastermind run towards me and tackle me off the railed platform and onto the conveyer belt of rubbish below. The room continued to spin as we fought, our swords clashing and fists meeting.

"You know you can't run forever!" I shouted as we backed away from one another.

Then we were falling into the pit. My vision cleared as I saw what was at the bottom: a furnace, I grabbed the grappling hook and shot it into the ceiling and grabbed Mastermind's arm mid scream.

I should clarify that it was him who screamed. The heat of the furnace was unbearable as we swung above it and we watched as trash was burned to dust.

"Please, don't let me drop Mike. I admit it. I don't want to be a criminal anymore. I want people to cheer my name, not cower in fear when I come"

"Alright, good. Just hold on" I said as began to swing us back from where we fell.

Mastermind grabbed hold of the guard railing and then pulled me to it. We made our way over it and onto solid ground.

We made our way outside to the police who had just arrived.

"For now you'll have to go to prison. Just keep your head down and I'll talk to the World Protection Agency about having you serve your sentence on the team" I bargained with him.

"Sounds good to me. Just don't keep me waiting too long" he replied as he climbed into the back of a cop car.

The next after a long argument with the WPA I convinced them to let mastermind keep his secret identity and that the planet protectors could call on him for assistance when asked.

Before leaving the scene a shadow darted across the rooftops before disappearing. I convinced myself I was just seeing things but wished I had gone after it looking back on the moment now.

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