02 : Jerk

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Writer's pov

" This is how you say thanks, miss?" The male with chocolate brown hair quirked his eyebrow and questioned. Sarcasm dripped through his voice, leaving you astounded. " Wh-at?" You counter questioned ambiguously.

" Pushing the person who saved your precious butt from landing on the ground. Is this how you express your gratitude?" He mocked. His hands in his pockets all this while. You raised at a brow at his uncalled and unwanted audacity.

" Yeah!... Thanks for bumping into me and making me lose my balance, mister whatsoever!..." you replied bluntly, clearly pissed off at his derision.

He gave you an unbelievable look at first but his facial muscles relaxed the very next moment.

" Kim Taehyung!... Mr. Kim Taehyung! It is... and says the one who can't keep her eyes focussed on the path she's walking on," he riposted, though he himself was occupied with some work calls.

The reality is that you both were equally liable but at the same time, you both were adamant enough not to back off.

" I... I" you were at a loss for words, making Taehyung's smugness accelerate. " What happened? Cat got your tongue, now?" Taehyung leered.

Giving a smug grin, you cheekily replied, " I was searching for my phone. What about you Mister Kim? You could have seen and moved sideways."

Now, it was Taehyung's turn to be mum chance. He poked his tongue in his cheek, thinking of some reply to get away.

" Well, I'm an industrious person, unlike you. I can't waste my valuable time fighting a weirdo, which is you," he pointed his finger at you and saying that, he slipped into the opposite direction, not even giving any time to you to react.

" His audacity to call me an unoccupied weirdo!... Jerk!..." you mumbled, cursing him. Stomping your foot on the ground harshly, you headed to your destination - the ice-cream parlour.


Buying a strawberry flavoured cup for the little one, you made your way back to the park. Your own appetite was killed by the sweet interaction that took place with Mr. Jerk, a few minutes ago.

You reached the bench where you left Jeong gyu but he was nowhere to be seen. You panicked a bit. Just then, you heard a dulcet call. It was the old lady who was sitting beside Jeong gyu when you left him.

" My child, I think you are finding that little kid...", she said in her shaky voice. You nodded your head instantly and she worded out, " ... his family came to take him back home. He told me to inform the same to his pretty angel and also that he will be waiting for you tomorrow."

She gave you a kind smile which you reciprocated. Thanking her, you went back home.


Plopping your fatigued body on your bed, you closed your eyes to relax. Jeong gyu's tiny face flashed through your mind and a smile crept on your pouty lips.

But it turned into a thin line thinking about Mr. High-headed.



The next day

5:04 pm

Concluding your day's work, you headed towards the garden to meet the adorable tiny bean. On your way, you purchased chocolates for him. 'I'm sure he will like them' you smiled thinking about the radiant grin that would grace his lips on seeing the chocolates.

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