13 : Still with you

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" Cause you never think or know that the last time is the last time. You think there will be more. You think you have forever, but in reality, you don't."

Taehyung's pov

Half an hour vanished since the proceeding began yet there were no trails of the woman I beseeched to have by my side, right now.

I fear I am going to lose both - my little one and the woman for whom I have started developing feelings for.

I have already lost the latter perhaps.

Digging my head in my arms, I observed my lawyer sneaking glances in my direction, awaiting for Yn's arrival which doesn't seem to happen anytime. He needs her presence and a few answers to prove having a motherly figure and love for my little baby's custody.

Tilting my head, I caught a glimpse of the female I hate.


Throwing a victorious leer at me, she drove her attention to the ongoing case. The proceedings were going in her favour and I wasn't able to do anything.

I felt pathetically helpless.

The lawsuit adjourned for an hour. I came out of the chamber which began suffocating me, without her.

" Where's your dear wife, Taehyung?" a shrill, familiar voice, emphasising the word wife, made me clench my fist. I turned around and noticed her smugly lineament, mocking my future loss.

" Get lost, Alina!" I tried not to growl and turned around to never cross paths with her, ever again.

" She won't come," she whispered while passing by my idle state. Her pessimistic words sowed doubt in my heart if she is behind Yn's sudden disappearance. I clenched my jaw, ready to throw hands if anything happens to my woman.


The litigation resumed shortly after the unwanted encounter. " I would like to summon the presence of Mrs. Kim?" the female judge demanded and there and then, my hands started sweating profusely.

" Mrs. Kim…" the summon echoed in the room but went unanswered. " This is the last call otherwise the Johnson's will be granted the child's custody," she stated and I could feel my heart withering.

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