Chapter 11

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"A new group of Kowloon children have come together in the hope of getting the Kowloon Kings ashes. Because Jiiro was sent to another city with Mimiko to deal with the problem there, that leaves you three as the most reliable and powerful to handle the situation here." Sei answered quickly.

I sighed in relief, the two of them seemed to have focused on something else instead of the awkward situation I managed to put myself in.

The rest of the briefing went by quickly... A bit too quickly since I didn't hear much of it, I was too lost in my thoughts, although, what I was thinking about was entirely too confusing to put into words. The two names that say everything though?  Zalman and James.

I didn't need too much explained after the briefing, the mission was clear, exterminate this new group of Kowloon children, because under no circumstances were they to reach the kings ashes. I may be powerful, but dealing with something on that kind of scale was out of my league, well and truly out of my league.
Luckily though, I'll be working with Zelman and and James, and usually I'd call that a brightside, but I'm not sure how well they'll work as a team after the little display earlier... I guess the easiest way is to find out.

The first thing we needed to do was find out more about the base of the kowloon children, we had a feeling so far that it was located in the forest, so the next step would be locating it.
How well that would go with our current team work is well... A mystery I don't want to understand but will likely have to witness later.

I looked to Zalman, getting ready to ask about directions, only to find that while I was stuck in my own thoughts, Sei had buggered off and left us three together, and that left Zalman and James glaring at each other with nothing between them... I should get onto that...

"Come on guys!  Let's get going!" I say out of desperation and start heading to the left.
A throat cleared.

"You do know that we're supposed to be heading in that direction?" Zelman said with a smirk, pointing to our right. I looked over where he was pointing and saw a few broken branches and and twigs, clear signs that someone had come running through that direction. I felt like jumping in the lake and hiding at my own idiocy.
Zelman started stalking in the direction he pointed in, and out of the corner of my eye, I saw James sweet drop as I stalked after Zelman.

There are times when I curse my own clumsiness, this stupid expedition through the forest is one of these times.
Every time I tripped, James and Zelman made it into a competition to see who could catch me when I fell over, which turned into a glaring contest for whoever didn't get there first. It just made the whole trip longer, more exhausting and even more ridiculous than I imagined.

At what was likely the 28th time, (to be exact) I lost it.

"WOULD YOU TWO GIVE IT A BREAK?!?!" i yelled at the top of my lungs, making them both jump away from me. Downside if this is that I kept falling and faceplanted into the mud.
Other downsides include me not realising how close we were to the kowloon base, nest, area of social gatherings? Pick a name, any name.

"Well, you heard her! Give her a break Zelllmmmaaannnn!" James cooed, his power rising.
Now here's where I made another mistake, I assumed Zelman was mature enough not to fall into that, I was dead wrong.

"What'd you say punk? I think it's you that needs to get out of here, and go back to where you belong!" Zelman yelled back, fire rising around him, the trees alighting into beautiful oranges and reds.

"Hey guys! Uuuhhhh, not the time or place for this" I said, trying to butt in between them. My yelling and the raising power levels gave us away, I could feel a swarm of kowloon children coming for us, a very, very big swarm. Seems we misjudged the numbers, I'll be sure to mention to Sei later that he made a mistake, just to feel superior for once. Hehehehe

"STAY OUT OF THIS!" they both screamed at me. Next thing, there are explosions everywhere.

Kowloon children jumping into fights then getting turned to dust by the attacks Zelman and James are throwing at each other. James pulling up trees and aiming for Zelman, Zelman dodging and the trees taking out the kowloon children.
I felt like facepalming if there weren't Kowloon's running at me too.
I sighed, using some of Zelmans flames, I flung them at some of the kowloon children, immediately turning to dust.
Pulling out my swords, I decided it would be better to let off some steam, as Zelman and James seemed to have it all handled, in their own stupid way.

I am very sorry for the delay in writing, in all honesty i was going to take down the story, but I felt it unfair and decided to post some more, and at least try and finish it. I'll be working a bit harder at getting it finished, in the meantime, I haven't read over some of the chapters, so there will be some spellings and mistakes, and I'm sorry for those too.
I hope this lives up to some expectations, and I am also sorry if it doesn't. Hope you all enjoy either way!

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