Chapter 7

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I'm really confused at the moment because I would publish chapters and they wouldn't come up. So if you find that, by any chance, chapter 6 is non-existent please tell me right away and I'll try and figure something out!


Now onto the next chapter.

Hayley's P.O.V

I stared at Zelman as he lay in just his track suit pants, on his bed, with his eyes closed.

I opened my mouth to say something, but whatever I was going to say got caught in my throat, as I noticed how the moonlight made shadows across his perfectly sculptured stomach.

I tried speaking again and he raised an eyebrow, his eyes still closed and a smirk beginning to form on his mouth.

"I heard your door slam and was wondering if everything was okay, or if you were okay." I asked him, my voice coming out strong even though I had butterfly's in my stomach. I nervously watched him drum his fingers on the can of coke he had resting in his hand.

As I waited for a reply, I tried to think of a time I had seen him without one in his hand. My mind came up with nothing.

"Everything's fine, I was just a bit stressed." he answered, opening his eyes and sitting up, to lean against the bed frame. I swallowed hard as I watched his stomach muscles move as he did so. All the while, my mind wondering how someone who appeared to do nothing all day, could possibly stressed.

"If that's it and everything's okay, I guess I'll be going." I said, eager to leave before I did, or said something stupid.

"Am I making you uncomfortable?" He asked, a smirk covering his face.

"No." I said, trying to sound as convincing as I could, though failing as my voice slightly cracked.

I gasped as he moved, pushing me up against the wall with his hands on either side of my head.

"What about now?" He asked.

"No. Now if you don't mind I have things to do." I told him, making another attempt at sounding convincing. Which was getting harder considering how close he was to me.

He pushed his bare chest up against me and pulled me closer to him. He put his arms around my waist and held me there. I was now successfully jammed between the two walls. One of plaster, the other of vampire. I mentally groaned, wondering what the hell I had gotten myself into, when I agreed to work on this Kowloon case with Clocky.

All those thoughts vanished from my mind when he leaned in close to my ear.

"Uncomfortable yet?" He whispered huskily. His lips brushing my ear and the heat of his breath making me shiver.

He pulled back again slightly and looked me in the eyes, I reflexively ran my tongue along my dry lips.

I started to bite my bottom lip, as I tried to think of a answer that wasn't a stuttering mess. Because I was so deep in thought, I failed to notice that his gaze had moved from my eyes, to my lips as I chewed on it, still thinking of an answer.

I ended up coming up with nothing (surprise, surprise) and looked back at his face, just now noticing that he was looking at my lips and his face seemed to be moving closer and closer to mine.

(A.N I actually fell asleep for a couple of minutes here and couldn't figure out why my room was suddenly dark. My iPod had turned itself off. oops!)

His lips stopped a breath away from mine. To the point where they were almost touching.

"Are you uncomfortable yet? You didn't answer me." He whispered, his lips brushing slightly against mine with each word. I couldn't believe he was still going on about that...

We were both panting as if we had just run a marathon, when in reality, we seemed to be tossing up whether or not we should kiss.

'Screw it!' I thought to myself and eliminated the remaining distance, taking him by surprise.

I started the kiss slow, but when he seemed to realize what was happening, instead of pulling away like I thought he would, he pushed me right up against the wall, pressing every inch of his body against mine.

This deepened the kiss that seemed to be setting my body on fire. I felt like I had molten lava running through my veins instead of blood.

He pulled away and leant his forehead against mine, our noses lightly touching.

"Wow..." I whispered and he chuckled.

"We basically just shared the most intense kiss I have ever given anyone, much less received... and all you can say is wow." He said still chuckling.

I thought about it and realized he was right.

What was this man doing to me?

This chapter was really awkward for me to write cause... yeah. I kinda went off what I read in other books.

I still felt extremely awkward writing this...

Powerful but Clumsy? (A Zelman Clock Story)Where stories live. Discover now