Chapter 12

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I whipped around, my hair flaring around me as my swords cut through a kowloon children, the ashes of yet another child falling at my feet before being blown slightly in the wind. More kowloon children come bursting out of the bushes towards me and I leap towards them, spinning and cutting through them all, my twin swords allowing me to cut down two at a time.
I sound pretty awesome yeah?  Like I'm part of a super epic battle scene? 
If would totally be as epic as it sounds except the two raging idiots next to me who are fighting each other and taking down kowloon children by accident.

I sighed as I watched them, and decided this had to end, so I did the most intelligent thing I could think of.

I left them there and wandered over to the base.

This was the best idea because they were doing a good job of both distracting and taking down the kowloon children, allowing me to slip into the foliage of the trees and slip over to their bass. A huge old mansion that seemed to be crumbling at the walls.

I slipped in through a window, and started chanting. I decided to leave various explosive runes all over the mansion, so I could take down everything within it, even what I could feel was hidden below.

I set them all on a timer, deciding I could get out in time, it seemed like the mist logical thing to do.  Once I had finished and had reached the main hall, I only had 2 minutes until they all blew.
As I reached the doors, in my arrogance, I stopped paying attention to my surroundings and ran into something rather large, falling on my butt, and likely bruising it. 
I looked up into the face of kowloon child. Although, it seemed different, it was bigger than the other ones, it,  or he, seemed to be on another level entirely, to the point where power radiated off of him.

I jumped up and moved a couple of steps back. I needed to take him out, otherwise I wouldn't get out in time. I checked my timer,  1 minute 33 left.

I aimed my hand at him, whispering a spell under my breath. Sadly the awesome explosion spell was never finished because I fist came flying at me.
I dodged and jumped back, pulling out my swords and aiming them for his arm. I swung at him, although it was like hitting solid rock, they didn't pierce the skin. In fact, they snapped, particles of metal flying everywhere.

Thinking on my feet I shapshifted into a fire demon. My hair growing longer, black horns growing out of my head and a short red dress of flames covering my body.
Forming a fireball in my hand, I aimed it at my foe, throwing it into his stomach.
And finally!  A reaction, he reeled back, his clothes and skin burnt, though not as badly as I thought. I needed more firepower.
Zelman would be a luxury to have with me now...

I ran at him and jumped on his back, my legs going around his neck. I let fire consume my legs, severely burning his neck, causing him to fall taking me down with him.
I felt the bones in one of my legs crack as we hit the ground, the impact throwing me off him and across the room. I hit the back wall, making the mistake of trying to break my crash with one of my arms, causing that to snap too. Yelling in pain, I looked over at the what I was hoping to see was a pile of ash. Much to my disappointment he was still in one piece. I used too much power setting the bombs... Which reminds me... Oh crap.
I checked the timer,  seeing 10... 9... 8 and rolled onto my back. I was so screwed, I should have brought Clocky with me.
Hmm, why only Zelman though, I guess he was the first one I thought of, instead of James...

I felt more power drain from body as the timer hit zero, and also heard the creak of heavy footsteps as the stupidly powerful kowloon child hobbled over to finish me off.

I shut my eyes, letting my body return to its normal form, knowing the damage likely looked worse.

Explosions went off in the outer parts of the mansion, working their way in to the centre.

I felt a large hand grab my arm and hold me in the air, I opened my eyes looking into the face of the kowloon child, his black eyes looking into me as he started to squeeze my good arms. I heard more bones crack and screamed in pain.
My vision started to fade, and as my eyes closed, everything was enveloped in flames and rubble.

This chapter is purposefully short, so sorry if I've disappointed anyone with that!  Won't be long until the next chapter that will be the last chapter, is released.

Powerful but Clumsy? (A Zelman Clock Story)Where stories live. Discover now