Chapter 6

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I would like to thank @TheVoicesInMyHead24 for being so supportive of this story. Your continuos comments mean a lot and give me the motivation to keep writing! So thank you very much.
(Previous picture was James and current picture is Hayley's Motorbike)

Zelman's P.O.V

I watched as Hayley opened her door and skipped into her room, I let out a growl at the thought of her liking someone that wasn't me.

I stopped my thoughts there.

Why did I care if she liked someone that wasn't me?

It's not like I liked her, did I?

These confusing thoughts were beginning to give me a headache, so I turned on my heel and stalked off to my room. I opened the door than slammed it shut, the noise echoing throughout the entire house. I didn't care though. I walked over to the mini fridge I had in the corner of the room, pulling a can of coke from the door. I looked at the blood packs in the fridge, tossing up in my head whether or not to have a real drink. One that would definitely quench my thirst.

I decided against it, because in my current mood, one blood pack would turn to two, two would turn to three, three would turn to four and I'm sure you understand what happens from there.

I closed the fridge and sat on the couch, looking out of the window at the moon.

We would have to start the hunt for the Kowloon children soon. I would be spending a lot of time with her, so it should be easier for me to figure out whatever these thoughts and feelings I felt towards her were.

Hayley's P.O.V

I jumped when I heard a door slam from Zelman's end of the mansion. I stood up and walked to the door, about to go and see if he was okay. Though as I touched the handle, I wondered why I felt the need to go and see if he was okay.

Intead, I walked over to the window and looked at the moon.

I just met James, but I felt something towards him. Though whatever I felt towards Zelman was stronger. Strong enough, that I still felt as though I should still go and see if he was okay.

I was yet to see Zelman truly angry, and whatever was wrong with him, was bad enough for him to slam a door in his own house.

I had only been here a few days, but I already knew how he hated having the doors in his mansion slammed. I let out a slight smile at that. It made him sound like a grumpy old man.

Without thinking of what I was doing, I opened my door and headed to Zelman's room to go see if he was alright.

I got all the way to his room and knocked on the door before I realized something.

I had no idea what I was going to say to him.

I heard a mumbled "come in" and opened the door, surprised by what I saw, and unsure how to feel or even begin thinking about it.

And since I'm terrible I'm going to make this short and leave it here.
I hope these last few updates have turned out well considering no planning goes into these and I just write what I see happening in my mind.

Thanks again to TheVoicesInMyHead24 for all your support. It really does mean a lot!

I can't wait to read what you think she see's and what you thought of the chapter!

Thanks again all!

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