Chapter 3

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I am so so so sorry for not updating in so long. I was actually going to delete this story but I had a sudden burst of inspiration so here we are! I know it's short but I will hopefully become inspired again soon. Any suggestions from my readers on how they want the story to go would be great!!

Chapter 3


After a ridiculously long car ride full of teasing over the white underwear I was wearing, we finally arrived at an extremely large mansion.

Zelman got out of the car and strolled up to the front door. When he arrived at the door, he turned back to me.

"Someone will come out and grab your few belongings and take them up to your room for you. In the meantime, I will give you a tour of my house." he yelled down the driveway at me.

"Ya mean bloody mansion." I mumbled under my breath, just low enough that he couldn't hear it.

I turned back to my car and grabbed my violin case. I loosened the back strap and slug it over my shoulder, carrying it like a one shoulder backpack. I used my vampire speed to get over to Zelman.

I figured the quicker I got the tour over and done with, the quicker I could get away from him.

I followed him around his "house," keeping track of where all the exits were and what hallways led to dead ends, completely ignoring everything he was saying.

Once he was done, he stopped outside a door and motioned with his hand to go inside. The usual smirk plastered on his face. In fact, I don't think there has ever been a time where I hadn't seen him smirking! That must really hurt his face...

I walked I into the room and smiled. It was completely bare. I could do whatever the hell I wanted to do with it. I turned to Zelman to see confirm my idea.

"I can arrange this room to my taste?" I asked him. My English accent getting stronger the more excited I got.

"Whatever pleases you" he answered looking slightly amused. I didn't care enough at that moment to return the annoyance. I was already going through all the design spells I knew. Before you ask yes, there are such things as design spells, I invented them when I got bored of painting walls.

As soon as he left, I started chanting. I imagined the room exactly as I wanted it to be. I opened my eyes when I was done and gasped. Perfect...

The walls were completely black, except for one feature wall that was black with twirling silver patterns on it. The bed was now made of old style wood and the covers were red with black lacy patterns on them. The dresser was made of the same wood as the bed and the on the window were blood red, floor length curtains that were dark enough to completely block out the sun during the day.

My room was done.

I turned and walked over to my suitcase and began putting all of my belongings away.

If I was going to be staying here, I should at least take advantage of it!

Thank you to JennisMusic and TheVoicesInMyHead24 for help!

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