12.Sometimes you've gotta prove yourself wrong, in front of an audience.

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A|N: tigger warning. (mention of blood. Please skip if sensitive)

Gerard's P.O.V.

I get cold after awhile of being in those woods, so I go back onto campus, and sit in a stall in the guy's bathroom, starting to sketch out something for a comic I've been working on, when I jump to the sound of someone running into the stall next to mine, slamming it hard, and locking it. I hears shaky breaths, and the boy, whoever he is, yells "Fine I'll do it, happy!!" And I startle again again. 'He'll do what?? is who happy?? who's this kid talking too?? is he on the phone??' , before I can question any more though, my thoughts are interrupted again by a cry of pain and broken sobbing... I, since I'm sitting down in my own stall, see splatters of red hitting the white tiles of the floor in the stall opposite of mine... 'Is that.... b-blood..??' I think, trying not to panic. This is bad. Really bad. "Are you satisfied..?" the boy across voice says, sounding shaky and full of pain. 'oh... he's... he's talking to someone in his head isn't he...' I realize, and there's so much blood....I need to help.

"H-Hello...?" I say softly, not wanting to startle the boy..

There's no reply from him, just more sniffling and sobbing, the sound of the crying breaking my heart to hear...

I feel my heart start to pound and I push panic aside as I speak. "Hey...c-can I come in..? I...I'll help if I can....p-please... let me get you to the nurse..? Y-you're bleeding...I c-can see it under the door, just let me in..." I say softly, voice shaking a bit, hoping that he'll let me help him..

"N-n-no. She-shell t-tr-try t-to -to f-fix m-me.." a voice stutters out. "I-I'm. un-unf-fixable..."he says and I feel a shudder and a pang of sympathy for this boy...

"You're only un-fixable if you want to be.... and I don't think you want to stay miserable like this....please let me help you... I want to try.." I say, biting my lip. I feel strangely....protective over this boy... and I know he needs my help..

I hear a click as the stall door across from mine is unlocked, and instantly open my own door, crawling over to see the boy sitting, curled up in the stall, wrists bleeding and eyes red, flowing tears..and a blade sitting on the floor. "It's gonna be okay... " I say, to myself and to him.. "I'm gonna try helping you.....I promise.. " I say soothingly. 

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