Chapter 2 - Where is Harry?

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A/N: Here's another part of 'Standing Alone' I will try and see if I can get another part out tonight, if not, well, I'll try to get it out tomorrow. I will be posting another chapter of 'Don't wanna go - part 2' later today, it's already finished I just need to read it through to make sure I didn't leave too many mistakes. Have fun reading. 

Remus and Sirius didn't talk much the next day, but after Lunch, Remus noticed Kreacher with something in his hands and questioned the elf. "What are you holding?" He asked, raising a brow. "Oh, Kreacher needs to treat injuries." Kreacher answered and was about to leave, when Remus once more asked.

"Kreacher. How do you know how to treat injuries? Did you used to treat Sirius'?" Kreacher looked at the two, his eyes lingering on Sirius'. "No. Kreacher used to help Master Regulus after beatings. Poor Master Regulus... He always did his best... Master Orion never did like anything less than an 'Outstanding' on Master Regulus papers..." Then, Kreacher walked off, to only Merlin knows where.

Sirius sat silent, his brows furrowed. No way Regulus was actually hurt... No way Orion would hurt his most precious little Reggie. Sirius shook his head. The elf was delusional. The first couple of days at the house, the two men spent on stocking the kitchen with food and getting situated in the all too, calm,  house. "Should we invite the Weasley's over?" Remus asked one day at breakfast. It had been a little over a week since they arrived at the house, and they were slowly getting into a routine. "I suppose we could." Sirius nodded with a sigh. Remus looked down and then took a deep breath. "Sirius... I'm sorry I said you were like your parents..." Sirius nodded slowly. "But I'm not taking it back... Because you treated that kid, very unfairly... He didn't deserve what you, nor what your parents, did to him... I am not saying you deserved it either... I love you, okay..?" Sirius looked up, just to see Remus' face right in front of his, a small pout on those kissable lips.

Smiling, Sirius leaned in and kissed his lover. "It's okay..." He whispered and Remus closed his eyes, kissing the other right back. "We should tell them to bring Harry..." Sirius hummed and furrowed his brows, drawing back from Remus, standing and walking off. "Do you even know where Harry lives?" Sirius called and Remus' lips thinned as he straightened his back. "No. I don't. I'm sure the Weasleys know, just ask them to bring him."

The two sat in on a fire-call with Molly, who told them they would be there the day after. "Oh, and could you bring Harry?" Remus asked. Molly raised a brow. "Whatever do you mean? I thought you two knew where the boy was. He said you were taking him with you."

The silence was deafening. "What." Sirius drawled. "Yeah, he said that you two were taking him to live with you over the summer. Ron and Ginny said that he had mentioned it in passing over the year as well..." Molly trailed off. "We're coming over now."

10 minutes later, all the Weasley kids, plus Arthur and Molly, stood at the house. "I do not remember it looking like this..." Arthur muttered and looked around the room. "No... That's because someone has been living in the house for... Well... A long while." Remus sighed.

Ron instantly floo'd to fetch Hermione and the girl looked worridly at her old teacher and Sirius. "What's going on? Is Harry really missing?" She asked worridly. "Yes, it seems that he is... I do not understand why he would lie about coming with us, though." Sirius sighed. He wanted to see his god-son, wanted to hug him and tell him that he was there for him now. That he wasn't leaving.

"I heard him mention something about some Muggles, Dursleys, in his sleep at the library, once." Ron said and they all raised a brow at him. "Sounded kind of like a nightmare..." Remus nodded. "Worth a try, come." After finding out who it was, they all apparated there.

Kreacher strolled up the stairs to the room that used to belong to his young Master Regulus. "Thank you Kreacher..." A man spoke, squatting down and taking the things from the elf. "Always at your service, Master." Sighing, the man rolled the bandage around his hand and shook his head. "I need to find out a way to get all these people out of the house... Thank you for always being there for me, Kreacher." Kreacher smiled up at his Master and helped bandage his torso.


Fred was the first to reach the house, and he knocked on the door, hard, 3 times. They were all getting odd looks from the people passing by, on the street. "A minute!" A womens voice squeaked from the inside. Soon after, a tall woman, with black hair, opened the door in her apron. "Oh? Hello. If you selling anything, we aren't interested." She said with a slightly strained smile, going to close the door.

Arthur placed a hand on the door, forcing it back up with a glare. "Where's Harry?" He asked and Petunia stared at him with wide eyes. "Harry? You mean Lily's boy?" She asked and they all nodded. Biting her lower lip, she glanced over her shoulder and sighed. "Come in..." She allowed them all inside and they all filtered in through the narrow hall-way.

"Pet, who was it?" A large male asked and folded his news-paper, putting it on the table. "Some people here to ask about Harry." She said and the man raised a brow. "The boy?" He asked and she nodded stiffly. "Did they find Harry?!" A boy asked, running into the room with wide eyes. He was to the chubbier side, but nothing like his father.

"Find him?" Sirius asked worridly. "Yes. He disappeared... Some years ago." Vernon sighed and stood up, reaching out his hand. "Vernon Dursley. Harry's Uncle. This is my wife, Petunia, she was Lily's sister, and this is Dudley, our son." All of them shook hands with the individual person."Disappear, how so?" Bill asked, furrowing his brows. Vernon looked a bit sheepish. "I used to be a heavy drinker... And when I learned about... What the boy was and such... I did not take it too nicely... I lashed out on him and hit him. I have been going to many meetings, and I could never see myself doing anything like that to my own son, or Harry..." Everyone were shocked, but the sight of the mans guilt ridden face, made them all draw in their anger.

"After... I had used the belt on him... Petunia went to check on him... But he was just gone. He was around 9 at the time, I believe. After he disappeared, Petunia threatened to divorce me if I didn't change, and we have been searching for him ever since. But... If you have come to look for him, does that mean he hasn't been with... Your kind... Either?" He asked in confusion.

All the red heads, as well as Remus, Sirius and Hermione, shared a look with one another. "He came to Hogwarts when he was 11..." Ron nodded. "He was sorted into Slytherin, but we hang out once in a while. He has some friends over there. They're a group of what, 6 Slytherins and 1 Ravenclaw." Petunia nodded, knowing of the different houses. Lily had always said that she, Petunia, would probably be a Ravenclaw. "But... None of us really know where he is right now. He would come for a week every summer, to my house, and we would hang out until School began. But this year, he was supposed to be with these two men." Molly pointed to Remus and Sirius, who both inclined their heads. "At least, that is what Harry had claimed. But apparently,they didn't know of this plan. So we are all worried about where he has been every summer for the past years."

"I'm sorry that we are not to more help..." Petunia said as she bid them farewell in the door.

"Miss." Hermione said and Petunia looked at her. "Is he really changing..?" She gestured with her eyes towards the man. Petunia  smiled. "It's a... Bumpy road. But he's getting there. Please, do tell us if you find him. Dudley has been awefully stressed about his disappearance."

With a wave of goodbye, they all left, apparating back to the house. Slumping onto the couch, Sirius shook his head. "After years, of waiting to be reunited with him, and now..." He cursed under his breath and threw a throw pillow, through the room, Charlie catching it with a small smile. "Hey. I'm sure he's okay. Probably just crashing with some of his friends." He said and shrugged.

Ron huffed, remembering how Harry had taken Malfoy's hand back in first year, but not without correcting the blonde, and making him swear not to bully Ron for being poor, and when he gave a try at Hermione, Harry was right back on his throat. Harry was truly a weird Slytherin; but he just stood out from the stereotypes.

"You can all find yourselves a room. Just stay out of the top floor and attic." Sirius said and they all went off. "Are we gonna check out the top-floor?" Fred asked and Ginny laughed. "Hell yes." She said and then they were all off.

Arthur looked to Sirius and Remus. "If we find Harry... Is it okay if I bring him along for the Quidditch world cup? You know how much the kid loves Quidditch." Remus smiled, remembering the match just last year. "I'm sure its fine. What do you say, Siri?" Sirius sighed and nodded, waving his hand dismissively.

"I'll go get some dinner started. Anything in particular?" She asked, but all the adults shook their heads. "You always make good food, mom. I'm sure you will figure something out." Bill said, kissing his mothers hand. The woman sighed with a smile. "Thank you kiddo."

A/N: And we're at the end once more. Hope you enjoyed the chapter, remember to eat some food and drink some water. Have a lovely day/night. <3 -Author Cupcake

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