Chapter 6 - A Kiss Surrounded by Death.

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A/N: Eyo, would you look at that, I got a chapter out. Have fun reading!

Harry couldn't sleep that night, and that may have been a good thing, because when the first scream sounded, he was out of his bed. "WAKE UP!" He roared and everyone jolted up in bed, wide eyes and heavy breathing. "What the fuck Harry..." Ron groaned, about to lay back down. "Something is wrong." Harry barked and everyone noticed him throwing on his trench-coat, leaving the room, but he seemed... Taller... The next time there was a scream, everyone flew out of bed, wide eyed. "HARRY!" Arthur yelled, running outside to catch the boy, but finding him already gone.

He cursed under his breath and returned to his children and Hermione. "Okay, we need to get to a portkey, leave your things, they are replacable, you are not." Everyone grabbed their wands, but left anything else behind. "Where is Harry?!" Hermione shouted over the screaming and fighting. "I don't know! The foolish boy must have run to his friends!" Arthur yelled and fired a few spells as well.

They kept on running, pushing through the masses.

Harry ran through the many tents, the chaos was starting, but he was determined. He saw his friends running in the opposit direction, thanking merlin that he had caused them all to be aware of their surroundings, even deep in sleep. Not yet as good as him, of course- Now is not the time to get into those little things.

Harry knew he had not refreshed his glamour in a while now, but at the moment there was no time. Running through the masses, he could only hope there would be no one to recognise him. He threw curses around him, dodging ones that came his way, he got momentarily distracted while firering a 'stupefy' and was hit by a person in the shoulder, sending him stumbling back.

He hit his head on a small rock and cursed under his breath as the darkness clouded his vision. At least people had the decency to be aware enough to not step on his face, but he was kicked.

Opening his eyes, the first thing he noticed, was the distant screams, but in the near vicinity of him, it was quiet. Groaning, he cast a wandless tempus charm and sighed in relief. It had only been around 10 minutes. Rolling onto his side, he propped himself up on his arm, getting back up onto his feet. The tents burned around him, and he noticed a small stuffed toy with fire in its ear.

Casting a look around, he ignored the burning in the back of his head. "So its true..." A voice spoke behind  him and Harry stiffened. "You're alive." Harry slowly turned his head to look at the person, whom was speaking to him. Seeing the aged face of an old friend, Harry felt his heart clench. "You're... Alive... And you NEVER thought to inform me about it!?" He shouted. Harry just stared at him in silence.

"TALK YOU IDIOT!" He roared and the silence just seemed to fall in an even thicker coat around them. "Barty, I-" Harry was cut off, his eyes widening at the hard press against his throat. The man had a tight grip around it, and Harry gasped for air, but otherwise seemed unbothered by it. "You're alive..." His voice was soft and Harry gulped, nodding slowly. "But they said... They said you died..." Harry gestured frantically to the hand around his throat, still dizzy after the hit to his head.

Barty softened the grip, but didn't move his hand, and Harry began to splutter, taking in all the air he could get, feeling a bit lightheaded. "I- I can't explain it here... Why are you here..?" Harry asked uncertainty in his eyes. Barty's eyes flared with anger, before calming and letting go of Harry's throat. "I'm here to catch that Potter kid." Harry closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

"Yeah... Alright..." He nodded, Barty eyed Harry's face and then raised his wand towards the air, casting a death-eaters signal. "Come... Come home with me..." Harry shook his head, backing away. "No. Barty. I can't and you know that." Barty laughed shaking his head. "No! You can be happy in my arms! Home with me!" His eyes were crazed and Harry felt a tuck on his heartstrings, but his face remained emotionless. "Goodbye Barty."

"Why were you here!?" Barty shouted as Harry walked off, turning around once more, Harry glanced at the stadium. "I came to watch." He said and Barty raised a brow, stepping closer to the boy and placing a hand under his chin. "Of course you did... My own little Seeker..." He whispered and leaned in, pressing his lips hungrily to Harry's.

Harry tilted his head to the side and brought his hand to the back of Barty's head, pulling him further down, intensifying the kiss. "I should really-" He gasped and Barty nodded, their lips meeting again. "Should really go-" Harry said into the kiss, letting Barty push him up against one of the lamp posts. "Yeah, you really should-" Barty panted, their eyes closing, tongues fighting for dominance, their lips turning red.


It had been two hours since the death eaters showed up; the death-eaters sign looming over them in the sky.

"You don't really think..." Remus gasped, glancing at Arthur. All Auror trained had been summoned to secure the premisis and help out any injured people. Remus and Sirius had been called due to Harry being missing, and they were his emergency contact people. "I don't think they have killed Harry, no..." Arthur said, shaking his head.

But he wasn't sure that Harry was unharmed, either.

"OVER THERE!" Blaise shouted and Luna's eyes widened. All eyes turned to the person, who was slowly walking up the path towards the woods that held the Arena deep within. "HARRY!?" Luna shouted and the person looked up. It was too dark to see anything, but the dark mark shining in the sky, cast an eerie colour onto the boy.

Finally getting into the light of one of the lamp posts, everyone saw his face. The broken glasses, bleeding nose, the blood running down from underneath his mop of hair, the limp in his walk and the messed up clothes. All though; unbeknownst to them, that was of a very different cause than all of the injuries.

"Harry!" Luna cried and ran forward, leaping into his arms, feeling the familiar locket pressing against her ribcage. She sighed with relief and hugged him tightly. Wincing at the press on the few bruises, Harry played the role of beat up victim, quite well. He always had of course. "Oh Harry!" Molly gasped, holding a hand over her mouth. "What were you thinking, running out there like that!?" Mad-eye Moody shouted, glaring at the boy.

Harry paid no mind to any of them, holding Luna tightly in his embrace, wrapping his arms around her and burying his face in the nape of her neck. She smelled of soot and sweat, but the familiar lavender shampoo was very clear and he basked in it, a feeling of safety spreading within him.

"Answer boy!" Alastor growled and Harry looked up at him, still having Luna safely in his arms, he raised his head. "You watch your mouth, Alastor Moody. I did what was needed of me." He raised his hand, showing the many wands. "Death-eaters... 56th lamp-post near the 4th portkey platform. You'll find them nicely wrapped for you."

He huffed and Alastor hummed, pointing to 6 different aurors and telling them to go to the location. They all apparated there.

Luna let go of Harry and took a few steps back, taking in the sight of him. Sirius hurried over with his wand in hand. "Here, let me help." He comforted and raised his wand, wanting to heal Harry, but the boy just turned away from him. "I don't need your help, Black." He sneered and turned to his friends, all of them coming running over to him, finally wrestling out of their parents grips.

"Give him some time..." Remus said softly, placing a hand on Sirius' shoulder and pulling him back. "Time... Remus... What kind of time heals the look he just gave me... He hates me..." Remus lowered his eyes. "He most likely feels abandonned by us, after his parents death, he was alone... Remember?... Let him come to us when he is ready."

Harry held his friends close and gave Luna a comforting kiss on the forehead, laughing as he wiped the little bit of blood left behind, off of her head, accidently getting it in her hair. "Oh it doesn't matter, Harry..." She said, wiping away a few tears. "You two are just the most adorable couple." Molly sighed, making Harry and Luna look at her in confusion. "Yes, truly. Imagine what their kids would look like." Narcissa smiled and held Lucious' hand in hers.

Draco, Theodore, Pansy, Greengrass and Blaise all bit down on their lower lips as to not laugh at the pure disgust that flashed over Harry and Luna's faces. "Kids!?" Luna squeaked and Harry looked at her with wide eyes. "Oh don't you two worry. You're still young." Pansy's mother chuckled. Pansy snorted with laughter, almost falling to the ground, Draco, mid laughter, tried to grab a hold of her, but it only ended with the two of them falling to the ground, which tipped over Theodore, Blaise and Greengrass, all of them laughing as well.

Luna and Harry began to chuckle and then also laughed.

The adults all looked at the group of laughing teens in confusion. Hermione smiled and leaned over Molly's shoulder to tell them.

"Harry and Luna see each other as soulmates." She explained and the adults all pouted, thinking that was just all too adorable. "In sibling form of way." She clarified and they all dropped their jaws, huffing out, Hermione patted Molly on the shoulder and then walked back over to Ginny, Neville, Ron, Seamus and Dean. All of them with grins on their faces. 

A/N: Remember to eat, sleep and drink lots of water! I hope you all liked this chapter, byeee! ~Author Cupcake. <3

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