Chapter 25 - Our final Goodbye and an Apology.

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The body was dropped to the ground, and the person that had previously held the body of Barty Crouch Jr., staggered with a groan, gripping their side and breathing heavily. The person was dressed in all black, drenched from top to bottom by the rain and looked nothing short of hell as dark curls fell over their face.

Remus Lupin, was the first to wrestle out of his shock, and he ran across the field, his feet slamming against the wet mud, making him almost slip multiple times, but it was worth it.., as he got there, just in time to catch the boy when he fell.

Laying the familiar boy down in his arms, Remus shook his head. "You foolish child..." He whispered and Regulus chuckled, blood shining on his teeth. "You're not fooling anyone with those words, Moony..." The rest had made their way over to them, all who had known the boy, in his previous life, gasped at the sight of him, and Sirius even fell to his knees besides his lover and brother.

"Hey Siri..." Regulus whispered, staring into Sirius' eyes, the bluest eyes that Sirius had ever seen, and ones that he never thought he would ever see again... "Oh god..." Sirius gasped and shook his head. "What... What did you do!? What happened!?" He began to add pressure to the different places that seemed to be leaking blood from his younger brother, but it was no use.

"Siri... Siri... Stop, just look at me." Regulus whispered and Sirius met his eyes once more. "He loves you... Never doubt that... I... It wasn't Harry who didn't want you close, Siri... It was me..." Sirius furrowed his brows and felt Regulus' gloved hand move into his own wet and blood stained ones. "He hated the distance that I put between us... He hated that I... That I wouldn't allow him to get cl-" Regulus was cut off, coughing violently, his whole body shaking with the breathless coughs that raked through him.

"Shush now... You don't have to explain, it's okay-"

"No..." Regulus got out and shook his head, pushing himself, shakingly so, into a sitting position, just to move his other hand up and grip at Sirius' shoulder. "I took over Harry's body when he was a baby... When he was about to die... James asked me to save his son, and I did... As long as I could... But we have been dying together for many years now, Siri... You weren't going crazy that night at the top of the stairs at home... You did see Harry go up... You saw me as you rounded the corner, you... The spell knocked you out, and..." Regulus sighed, closing his eyes in a flash of pain. "Harry got you to bed... That boy is damned stubborn at times."

Everyone laughed along to that, despite the tears and worry on all of their faces. "I am so sorry, for all the things I have said and done...-"

"You fool... You are nothing but a child... I am the one who should be sorry, I was supposed to protect you..." Regulus nodded and patted Sirius on the cheek, before turning his head to look at the others around them. His eyes fell on Luna's big teary ones, and he felt his heart shattering.

With the help of Remus and Sirius, Regulus got to his feet and staggered over to her.

Luna let out a sob as he gripped her face tightly. "You beautiful girl." He whispered and smiled warmly at her, shaking his head slowly. "You know that you're my favourite, right?" Luna let out something between a sob and a laugh and nodded, letting his gloved thumbs wipe away her tears. "I remember... When Pandora placed you in my arms for the first times... I remember you taking your first steps... You are the reason I never gave up, Luna." He gave the girl a determined look and then straightened his back, still holding her eyes fiercely. "I never wished for any harm to happen to you..."

"Then why did you push me away?" Luna sobbed and Regulus gave her a pained look, shaking his head slowly, placing his forehead to hers. "Oh darling... It was for your own safety... Thomas had begun to enter my mind... And I couldn't risk any harm to be done to you, do you hear me?" Luna gave a small hum. "I love you too much for that."

"I love you too..." She whispered and then felt familiar soft lips, press a warm kiss to her forehead. "You probably have a million questions... And I wish I could answer them all..." Regulus took a small step back, his hands folding down to his sides as he looked at them all, slowly shaking his head. "But I cannot... I will however, be doing better this time around... Perks of dying more than once, I suppose..." He laughed and looked towards his brother. "When I'm gone... The spell surrounding the stairs will fall, and from there on, you can get the answers you seek..." Sirius furrowed his brows.

"But... I just got you back, I don't-"

There was a pained silence as Sirius and Regulus just stared at one another, but then Regulus' eyes moved beyond his brother and a small smile fell onto his features, making everyone look in the same direction, and seeing... Nothing.

"What's happening...?" Ginny asked worriedly, this wasn't just Regulus, this was Harry too... And he hadn't even said goodbye to them... Molly looked at her only daughter and wetted her lips. "I think... I think he's seeing people, that we can't, because of the state he is in." Ginny grimaced and shook her head. She had heard about dying people, seeing others that were dead, who were close to them, before they passed completely, but she didn't want Harry to leave...

A small glow appeared around Regulus, and soon enough, a fourteen year old boy with unruly curls stood besides him, completely golden and glowing brightly, Regulus also glowing softly as the two shared a glance.

"Oh my Merlin..." Sirius whispered, hands going to his mouth, Remus' hands doing the same. The boy besides Regulus, was unmistakeably the son of James and Lily Potter. He looked so much like James, but the softness of his features, and the small smile he had on his lips, was Lily, through and through.

Severus just stared and felt his heart straining for the boy who never really got to live... Oh how he had been so cruel to such an innocent child, he would never be able to forgive himself for.

"You can go to them, you know..." Regulus said, but his voice sounded further away, and dull. Harry looked up at him and inclined his head in a thank you, before turning his attention to what the others had previously not been able to see.

Now that they all watched Harry take off in a run towards there, they saw a large group of golden people. Front and centre was Lily and James, who welcomed their son with open arms, both of them hugging him close and then looking over at them all and smiling.

"I guess this is it..." Regulus said softly, his own eyes locked onto young and kind ones, of a man, whom he had loved before he went crazy... Back to being seventeen and carefree. And besides him, stood Pandora Lestrange, Marlene and Dorca Meadows...

"You truly want to spend eternity with those idiots?" Sirius asked, a small sniffle leaving him and Regulus tore his eyes from the love of his life, to look at his idiot of a brother. "Yes... But I never truly left you, Siri..." He then glanced at the others behind them. "None of you have to worry about Tom... Or as you called him, Voldemort, anymore..." He gave a soft smile.

"What did you do?" Fred asked, awe in his eyes and Regulus chuckled.

"Him and the rest of the active death eaters, have all been taken care of, don't you worry about any of that..."

"Cool..." George and Fred both whispered and snickers went through the crowd. "Yeah, really cool." Regulus smirked and then turned back to his brother. "I'm gonna miss your stupid ass, Siri."

"Not as much as I'll miss yours." Sirius said and smiled back at his younger pain in the ass brother. "But, could you answer me a question..." Regulus inclined his head. "What happened, when you left?" Regulus wet his lips and glanced over at Barty and the others, who were all waiting for him.

"Most of the details will be in my room... But I'll tell you the short version..." Sirius nodded. "I found out about the Horcruxes, and with the help of Pandora, I located one of them, and I went after it, even though she warned me that it would be dangerous to do so. I didn't care, I just wished for all this shit to be over, and if Voldemort was mortal, even I would be able to end him." Sirius stared at his brother in awe and nodded. "When I got to the cave, I was unprepared for what measures the idiot had taken to keep his soul safe... And I was dragged to the depths of the lake, torn up and then drowned."

Luna gasped. "That's why you feared water so much..." Regulus inclined his head and sighed, he then heard Fleur let out a small shriek. At this point, Regulus was feeling no more pain, there was no more discomfort for him, he was almost completely faded into gold, like Harry had been, he had also been waiting for someone, someone who had just arrived.

"Hey Evan." Regulus said as the snake slithered towards him, then slowly it twirled around the almost completely, golden ghost, before turning into the pale blue and golden ghost, of one Evan Rosier. "Heya Reggie. You ready? Barty is getting restless, that prick." Regulus chuckled and shoved the teen away from him, turning his attention to the others as Evan settled besides him.

"So... This really is it, huh?" Remus asked and stepped up closer to Sirius, who linked their arms. "Yeah, it is." Regulus said, smiling softly, now that he no longer felt the pain, everything was easier, especially when he noticed that he was no longer breathing either and he had no reason for blinking...

"I'm gonna miss you..." Luna whispered and Regulus gave her a soft smile. "Remember... I am always, in here." He said and reached out, placing a golden glowing hand over her heart, before raising it upwards. "And in here... And if you ever need me, look to the stars and speak, I will be listening... I always hear." Luna nodded and turned her face into Ginny's shoulder, trying to hide her sobs.

Sirius wetted his lips and looked at his brother sadly. "Stay safe-"

"I'm gonna be fine... You're the one who should worry about staying safe, you idiot. I'm already dead." Regulus interrupted him and the two shared a look.

"Never could let me worry, could you?" Sirius grumbled and reached over to ruffle curls, his hand reaching the empty air, making his heart twist and ache uncomfortably in his chest. Regulus noticed the pained look in Sirius eyes and gave a sad smile.

"I'm sorry Reggie-"

"I'm sorry Siri-"

They both chuckled and shook their heads, and then nodding slowly. "I know." They said at the same time, but this time there was no laughter, just pained smiles.

"We will all miss you." Draco said and Hermione sniffled loudly, sobs racking through her, Ron pulling her into a tight hug, despite having tears in his own eyes. "Oui... Monsieur Regulus..." Fleur said, and she bowed to him, many others doing the same, the rest kneeling for him. 

Regulus stared in shock, as even Severus and then Dumbledore knelt for him... And then Sirius and Remus. "Oh come on-" He was about to protest, hands going up as he backed up, but a hand on his shoulder made him quiet down. "Just take it, Reg..." Evan whispered and gave him a comforting smile. Regulus wetted his lips and said no more.

"Goodbye, Regulus." The Minister said and bowed to the man. "Thank you, for vanishing the evil that has been looming over all of our heads, even when we were too stupid to realise... Thank you, for protecting us, at the cost of your own freedom, and the life of a young boy, who should have never seen the amount of destruction that he has." Eyes slowly moved over to Harry, who was still being cradled in his parents arms, James having Harry wrapped around him like a koala. "We are forever, in your debt..."

Regulus glanced at Evan, who gave a small tap to his wrist, showing that it was time now, to leave...

"You're welcome..." Regulus said, his voice distant and faded, almost like an echo now.

All looked at him and noticed that he was almost completely gone now. "Goodbye..." He said and grasped Evans hand, letting the other man lead him over to the others.

Sirius watched with a heavy heart, Regulus' retreating back, and then watching him be hugged by all of his friends, and lastly, kissed by Barty. "Awe..." Molly said softly and smiled a warm smile. "Barty is a bitch..." Sirius muttered, watching how James laid his hand onto Regulus' curls and ruffled them, whilst they all left, and then faded into nothing...

"Oh come on... He saved Regulus' life." Cedric said softly and they all glanced at him. "Crouch has been disguised as Mad Eye all year." Dumbledore's face fell, eyes falling onto the lump of clothing on the ground a little ways away from them all.

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