Luna's Pendant.

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Luna could hardly sleep anymore. She hadn't been able to get a full nights sleep since the funeral... And it was starting to be noticeable.

Moving the pendant, that looked like an exact replica of the golden snitch, tied around her neck, she kissed it softly, her eyes closing for a moment, she opened them tiredly once more. Nothing... She didn't know what she had expected, but she had hoped for there to be at least, something...

Sighing, she let it fall down back onto her chest once more, turning on the Ravenclaw bed, eyes staring up into the replicated night sky.

There's things I wanna say to you, but I'll just let you live...
Like if you hold me without hurting me,
You'll be the first who ever did...
There's things I wanna talk about, but better not to give...
But if you hold me without hurting me,
You'll be the first who ever did...

Hearing his soft voice, made a small sob escape Luna's lips, her body curling up into a fetal position as she grasped tightly around the pendant, missing the way it had tried to open... If she had let it do so, she may have noticed the black, sharp, diamond shaped stone inside... One of the three deathly hallows, that a man that had cared so much about her, had made sure, would be in her safe keeping, the third having been made into a robe for her, that she had gotten as a birthday present, a couple of years ago... And, well, the wand was safe with its keeper, as it had been for well over a hundred or so years.

Luna treasured the pendant gift from her old friend for many years to come. With time, she did notice it open, and saw the black stone... She of course knew what it was, and kept it safe from all outside eyes, making sure that it was safe inside of the pendant, that never left her neck. But she knew... Regulus/Harry had entrusted her with it, and she was making damned sure, that it would stay safe...

Even now, many years later, as she watched her own children travel off to Hogwarts for their education, the missing snitch from the Quidditch box, having been replaced by now, one of the repairs that had needed to be done, as odd items from around the school had gone missing in the years that Harry and Regulus had spent, lurking around... She played with the pendant lazily, her wife's arm around her waist and her old friends, watching with smiles, as all of their kids, hurdled together in one tight compartment, like they had done, many years ago.

"I love you..." Ginny whispered and Luna glanced up at her, smiling softly. "I love you too darling..."

"You ever gonna tell me about that pendant?" She laughed as the others left the platform, the train having now left the station.

"Maybe some day..." Ginny inclined her head and smiled.

"You coming?"

"Just... Give me a minute."

"Alright, I'll wait for you in the car."

Luna hummed and even though everyone were now gone from the platform, she stood and stared out over the greenery, thinking about the times that she had been in this spot with Harry/Regulus and their whole friend group, really...

Thinking about him, made her eyes wander over to the forest, where she saw a deer and a stag, with a little Bambi at their legs, walking through the bushes. Luna smiled, noting the crows and bunnies roaming around the forest bottom as well, and then, a black cat emerged and the cat, as well as the little Bambi, both turned their heads towards her.

For a moment there, it no longer felt like, she was standing alone with her memories...

A/N: Welcome to the end. I hope you all enjoyed this ride! It is kind of bitter-sweet ending this one, considering how long it has been and all that. I do apologise for how long it took me to actually finish these last two couple of chapters, but I just... I feel like it needed the right end, and it finally came to me. Believe it or not, I wrote all of this and chapter 25, just tonight, ahaha... It all just clicked for me, finally.
Well, enough of my rambling. I will hopefully see you all in one of my other works, that I have done, or perhaps now, we'll see. But if I don't see you, take care of yourself, and stay safe out there.
Love you all!
~Author Cupcake<3.

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