Chapter 12 - I hate Drama, unless it's other peoples...

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A/N: Another chapter, done and sent out to you all. I hope you are all liking the book, and that I do the characters justice. Have fun reading!

"Oh you have got to be kidding me." Regulus said as he stared at the cages of dragons. He had been taking a comfortable walk through the Forbidden Forest, because he was unbothered by the rules. And now he was standing in front of the four cages of dragons. Fucking. DRAGONS. As the first trial in the Tournament. Sighing, he turned on his heel and began to walk back into the shadows of the night.

Before exiting the forest, he slipped back on his ring, walking up to the Carriage that held the Beauxbaton girls. Knowing Maxime was was out, he knocked on the door, leaning against the frame. "Oui?" The door opened and there stood one of the girls. She blushed at the sight of Harry and then began to giggle. "Bonjour Monsieur 'Arry Potta'." The girl bowed and Harry smirked. "Bonjour. Est-ce que Fleur est là?" He asked and the girl's eyes widened.

"Fleur! M. Potter est là pour vous!" She stepped aside as Fleur came stumbling over there. "'Arry!" She said happily and hugged him. "Can we talk?" He asked, his voice serious. Fleur furrowed his brows and then nodded, putting on her shoes she followed after him.

They walked along the shore of the lake. Watching the water. "Are toi sure..?" She asked a shiver running down her spine. "Yes... I'm afraid so..." He said and shrugged off his trench-coat, slipping it over Fleur's shoulders. She gave a thankful smile and sighed. Harry turned his head away and then stopped, looking out over the lake. The moon shimmering on the water. "Pourquoi... Do you wear the glamour, Monsieur Potter..?" She asked softly and Harry smiled.

"No particular reason..." Fleur turned her face to him. "Do you... Look like this?" She asked, nodding to his face. Harry shook his head. "Are you ugly?" There was a small smile playing on her lips and Harry smirked. "Perhaps. Would I be less interesting if I was?" He asked and she shook her head. "Oh no... Very mystique..." She said and he nodded, a dark chuckle leaving his throat, his adams apple bobbing up and down. "You seem older than 14, 'Arry."

Harry didn't answer that, but he turned his head to look at the girl with a crease between his brows. "Were they big... The Dragons..?" The late October wind blew Harry's hair back, showing his neck. "Yes..." Harry answered, nodding slowly. Fleurs eyes went to Harry's neck, seeing the red irritated skin, she winced. "Oh 'Arry, I don't think you 'an wear the necklace." She said and reached up, moving the chain from his neck, a feeling of darkness overwhelming her as she did, making her drop it. "You allergic?" She asked and Harry shook his head, lifting the locket up, he showed her it and she went to try and touch it, but quickly retracted her hand.

"Dark Magic..." She gasped, her eyes wide. Harry nodded. "Oui... Very dark." He let it fall back down against his chest and sighed. "You should get back before Madame Maxime does... Sweet dreams." With that, Harry walked off, and Fleur was left with his trench-coat, and a heavy feeling in her heart.


The next morning, Fleur walked into the great hall with a coat draped over her shoulder. Walking over to Harry she smiled and draped it over his shoulders. "Thank you for last night." She said, placing a kiss on his cheek. Harry inclined his head and watched her walk over to sit with her sister.

Silence filled the Slytherin table, until Blaise spoke up. "Last night?" Harry eyed him and sighed. "Me and Fleur had a talk last night, she got cold and I let her borrow my jacket." He said, pulling it off of his  shoulders and onto his lap.

"Mhm. I'm sure you had a nice, long, talk." Theodore laughed and Harry sent him a sharp glare.

"Alright students! Settle down. I know we are all excited about the first challenge in a little over a month.  But the Champions' families have all been allowed to come to the school and stay with them. Please welcome Mr. Diggory's father." In came Diggory Sr. and Cedric smiled, standing up and walking over to his father, bringing him into a hug. "Victor Krum's older brother and mother." Victor stood up and greeted his family with a tight hug.

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