Chapter 18 - Depresso Esspresso.

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A/N: I am so late with this. My apologies. Anyways, have fun reading!

"The Second trial!" Albus shouted and Harry looked at the deep dark waters. Standing on the wooden plank by himself. He had done what he thought to be impossible, and had pushed everyone who had shown him love, away from him. Many fights had broken out between him and his friends, as well as him and the two men that called themselves his god-fathers, but he didn't care any more.

He needed to finish, what he came back for and nothing more.

But in that moment, all he wished for, was a calming hand on his shoulder, telling him that everything would be okay. The Goblet's magic had chosen one each, of the person they loved most in the world, and they would be tied under the water. Harry had no one... Or well, that wasn't true... He supposed he still loved them, but that wouldn't be enough, as they would also have to love you back... And that, was where Harry knew he would be diving into the infinite depths, for nothing.

Casting a spell over himself, Harry turned into a fish as soon as the horn blared, he had not bothered to listen to anything that Albus was saying.

His grades had dropped dangerously over the past, almost two months, where they had been back in school. He had never gone to the detentions. He had things to do and would not let anything or anyone, get in his way... That Christmas had been the saddest and loneliest of them all. Remus and Sirius had stayed at Hogwarts, Harry going back to Grimmauld place.

He had successfully managed to push everyone away, before he left. There were no gifts through the floo, no big smiles... No Christmas ornaments around. Kreacher stayed by him. Kreacher was the only one, Harry could not push away. Luna had desperately clung to him, tightly, as well, and it tore at his heart to push the one person, who had seemingly always been there for him, away. But he had to stop caring.

Harry knew he would most likely be the last one up, but when he reached the ones bound to the bottom, his fish eyes widened. Seeing Kreacher floating there, looking around with big terrified eyes, the Goblet's magic not being able to make him unconscious. Harry freaked out. Accidentally turning human and feeling the water on his skin, made the panic set in.

He did his best at pushing it down, quickly doing some awkward swimming towards the elf, holding his breath. Black spots began to form at his eyes, when he started untying the elf. "Master! Let Kreacher help!" The elf spluttered, but Harry just held the elf tightly as he started to feel the pressure of the water, and not getting any air, get to him. "Harry! You need to get out!" Fleur's voice sounded thick through the water. Harry only just managed to see her golden hair as he let out a gasp. The pressure disappeared and he almost felt relaxed as the water brought him down, further and further, feeling Kreacher's weak small hand grasping at his own.

The memories of the deep green water, claws digging into his skin all around him. Harry just let himself fall, not bothering to fight anymore... Why couldn't it be someone else this time..? The faces of Pandora, Dorcas, Evan, Barty, James, Remus, Sirius and then... Baby Harry. Oh... Baby Harry... So innocent in all of this...

Harry felt pressure on his chest and soon, he rolled over, throwing up all the water he had ingested. "Oh thank you! Master! Kreacher was so scared!" Harry groaned and clutched his hand to his stomach, and then on his head as well. "Master... Master... Please... Kreacher cannot lose Master, again... Please Master..." Harry slowly cracked his eyes open and looked at the elf. Seeing everyone else around them as well, he closed his eyes once more. "Kreacher will get blanket... Master is cold." Kreacher nodded and snapped his fingers, blankets and towels flying over and wrapping Harry up.

After a little while, Harry was able to prop himself up against a pole, leaning his head back on it. His lips were awfully blue, and his face pale with big, heavy and dark, bags under his eyes. "What eh... What happened..?" Sirius asked, eyeing the boy. Harry had done quite a number on them all, no one really knowing where they stood with him anymore... Sirius had just begun to hope that him and Harry and Remus would be able to start something, when Harry had called Remus a mindless Wolf and said that all they ever did, was hurt and manipulate... There were a lot of other nasty words in between, but those stuck the most.

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