Chapter 14 - Revenge tastes sweet.

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A/N: HELLO! I am back with another chapter, yet again. I have gotten a bit of a writers block with the book Don't wanna go Part 3. So, as for now, all who reads this, as well as the other series. I do not know when I will be posting it, unfortunately. Hope you enjoy this chapter, and have a lovely time, until next chapter!

"But how can Regulus be a part of all this..?" Sirius asked, finally managing to find his voice. "And where is Harry!?" His eyes flared as he turned to Dumbledore. "You and your 'greater good' complex has pushed him to become far too old, far too soon! You should have let him be a normal kid! Should have let him have a normal childhood!" Dumbledore sighed and shook his head.

"Do not blame me for his choices, Sirius Black-"

"Oh I don't just blame you Albus! I hold you completely responsible, for a whole lot of things! This being one of them."

Sirius gestured to the letter from his younger brother, in Albus' hand. "My brother was 16... Albus... When he took the dark mark. Because no one was there for him. Me included, I take full responsibility for that! I shouldn't have left him in that house with our abusers! But you sure as hell should have reached out your hand and helped him, when he came to you! OH don't look so shocked!" Sirius scoffed, glaring at the man before him. "What you're doing right now to Harry, is the exact same thing that was done to Regulus. You push him too far and he chooses a side. Who is to say he chooses ours if you keep up this fucking game?!"

Dumbledores face fell at the words, realisation hitting him that Harry may actually join the dark lord, and if he did... Harry was powerful... Dangerously powerful...

"I wasn't there for Regulus. And I will never be able to change that. But I am gonna be there for Harry... I will not let him suffer the same fate as my brother. I owe Reggie that much. He's my kid-" Sirius was cut off by a body plummeting into his. His eyes widened as the smell of sea-salt, smoked-pine and mint entered his nose. Harry was hugging him... Quickly wrapping his arms around the boy as well, he sighed in relief. "Oh thank Merlin..." He whispered and placed his hand on top of Harry's curls, pressing him tightly into his chest, the boy hiding his face in Sirius' neck.

Everyone smiled softly, looking at the two. "I got you..." Sirius said, running his hand through Harry's curls and his other hand over Harry's back. Some of the younger students began to file out of the room, their bed times getting closer.

Harry clung to the man tightly and buried his face into Sirius' shoulder, his own shaking with his sobs. His sobs were almost silent, and Sirius was certain, that if it had not been because of the shake of Harry's shoulders, he would not have known about him crying.


"And lastly, Harry Potter!" Harry shook his hands and cracked his neck as he walked out of the tent in his green shirt and jacket. Everyone cheered as he entered the altered Quidditch patch. Looking up at the dragon, which was momentarily just laying around her eggs, he felt worry for her, instantly.

Slowly walking to the front, letting the dragon see him, he knew she would instantly react to his presence, which was what he did not want to happen, but knew it was necessary. As expected, the dragon momma began to growl as soon as she scented him. Walking in a big bow around her, he had his hands raised, showing her he was no harm.

She kept on watching him as he slowly got onto his knees in the grass. Her head jerked upwards and she looked at him with interest.

"What the hell is he doing..." Sirius breathed and Charlie smiled. "It seems that he is making her think that he is a lost dragon child... Extremely clever." He nodded and everyone were asked to remain silent during the ordeal. The dragon looked around and then slowly moved down from where her eggs laid and moved over to Harry, who was still in the grass, just sitting there with his hands raised.

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