Chapter 13 - Daddys little girl.

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A/N: Another chapter being puplished today, ten days overdue, yes yes, I am sorry. Have fun reading, and I'll see you all at the next one.

"Harry, please." Sirius said and tried to talk to Harry as they passed one another in the hall. But Harry promptly ignored him. "HARRY JAMES POTTER! YOU STOP RIGHT NOW!" Remus had enough. This had been going on for too long now, and Harry needed to talk to them. Harry froze, as did every other student in the hall. "Get over here." Remus said sternly, but Harry remained standing right where he was.

"Harry! You do as there is being said, get over here before you piss me off more." Sirius was staring at Remus with wide eyes. He did always love when the man became bossy, but this was kind of a lot.

What no one seemed to notice, were Harry's panicked eyes. His hands slight shaking and the way he seemed to look a whole lot different than usual.

Hermione, however, after having seen Harry in a much similar state at the Kings Cross station, found her legs starting to move again and she sprinted down the stairs, leaving her book-bag with Ron as she did. "Harry. You need to breathe." She said as she calmly walked up to him. "Harry, can you hear me?" She tried to be calm and collected, but Harry was seriously freaking out.

Harry's eyes slowly moved to look at her, he flinched when he saw her hand, and that seemed to make everyone  else aware once more. "Is he okay..?" A timid second year asked with wide eyes, seeing how much Harry was shaking. Remus instantly felt bad, of course Harry would react this way to being yelled at, how could he forget that Harry was abused by his relatives...!?

"My fault... All my fault..." Harry whispered and Hermione shook her head. "No Harry... You're not to blame for anything that happened to you." Harry quickly shook his head. "No no... My fault... I tried to hard... I should have left him alone..." Hermione shook her head. "No Harry. You didn't do anything wrong. Please." She said with furrowed brows, placing her hands on his, steadying them. "They're all dead... It's my fault... My fault they're all dead... Mione..."

Luna hurried over and brought Harry into a tight hug. "It's okay... Love it's okay..." She said and Hermione watched with worry etched onto her face. "Remus didn't mean to yell at you... He's not him... Okay... He's not him... Remember what my mother used to tell you..." Harry took a few deep breaths and nodded slowly. "She's so proud of you... Okay..? She loved you..."

The other students, upon feeling like they were intruding on something, they began to filter out to their classes. "You're okay..." Over Harry's shoulder, she sent Remus and Sirius a sharp glare. "Here, let me take him..." Fleur said softly and Luna nodded. "Take him to his room in the Slytherin dorms, Blaise, can you-" "Of course." Blaise showed Fleur, who was walking with her arm around Harry, to the Slytherin dorms, right back up to his room.

"You two." Luna said, pointing to the two men. "Are unbelievable!" Hermione raised her brows in surprise, she didn't realise Luna could sound... Well, out of the dream. "I do not know exactly what you have done to Harry to make him hate you, but neither of you have any right to tell him what to do or when to do it, and it is pretty clear that he does NOT want to talk to either of you! Leave him alone, and let him come to you if needed!" She shouted and then swept off, the rest of the group following after her.

"What did Harry mean... They're all dead..?" Sirius asked, furrowing his brows. Hermione closed her eyes, turning her head away. "All I know... Is that he lost some people he truly cared about..."


Remus and Sirius sat outside, looking down at where Harry was with his friends, wondering if the boy would ever come to them, or at least try to live with them. "He reminds me of Regulus..." Remus said and Sirius rolled his eyes. "Who cares about him, right now... For all we know, he's dead." Remus sighed and shook his head. "And he may be alive. All I said, was that Harry reminded me of him... Quite a lot."

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