Chapter 20 - Skating.

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A/N: New chapter out, once again! This story is soon coming to an end, so I hope you have all enjoyed it thus far. Have fun reading.

"What happened to your face, Potter?" Blaise asked, raising a brow. Harry glanced over at him, looking up from his book, where he was writing what happened with the Fiendfyre. "3rd degree burn." He answered sincerely, quickly turning back to his notes. "What?!" Pansy asked, wide eyes filled with horror.

Harry's words had haunted her, as well as the others, in their nightmares, and never would they be able to forgive him. But what the hell was going on with the boy they had all called their friend!?

"Fiendfyre. I'm fine." Harry dipped his quill in the ink and scratched something down in the book, furrowing his brows, his head cocking to the side, hair bouncing away, showing the scar moving into his shirt. Fred jumped up and hurried over, pulling at Harry's collar and gasping. "Harry! That's not fine!" Harry sighed and hit away the hand. "Kindly refrain from touching me."

George scoffed. "Oh yeah... I forgot... You wouldn't want our bloodtraitor hands on your perfect skin... Too poor for you and all that..." He said, but Harry just ignored him, looking down on his papers. "Yeah... And my Mudblood germs... Right..?" Hermione said, choking up at the words. Harry continued to block them out. "How you never loved me and only used my family status." Draco sneered. "Oh, he said that stuff about the family status to you too?" Blaise scoffed and Draco nodded. Pansy sent Harry a glare, not that the boy noticed as he was still looking into his book, scratching down word after word.

"That I was a burden and would never amount to anything... And how I could ever think, you would want to be with a waste of space like me..." Luna sniffled. Harry's heart tore into pieces, but this had to be done. He couldn't get them all hurt... Not when there was a good chance he would die... Again...

Theodore rolled his eyes and snatched the book out of Harry's hands, blocking whatever magic Harry was using. He raised a brow. "Diary, huh. Time to make you feel a little of how we do." He sneered. Harry was about to jump up after him, but Pansy and Greengrass used a quick spell on him and he was stiff as a board against the chair.

"Lets see, lets see..." Theodore flipped further and further back, seemingly noticing that it was a magical book, that would go back for a long while... "1984. February 20th." He nodded and began to read. "Uncle Vernon took the belt on me today, he had gotten a lot to drink. It's nothing I'm not used to, the pain is manageable, but this weak 3 year old body can hardly handle it. I ran from the house at night. Not necessarily sure where too, but I could care less... That was when I found Pandora Lestrange. She has grown up..." Theodore rolled his eyes. "Nothing interesting." He grumbled and flipped a few years further ahead.

"1991. 11th birthday. June 25th. Grimmauld place is looking better and better by the day. Kreacher is a pleasure as always. I am doubting if it is worth going to Hogwarts. I would need to send a reply tonight... It would probably make it easier to hunt down the Horcruxes.-" Theodore groaned and glared at Harry. "Has nothing interesting happened in your life?!"

Harry just stared. Knowing fully well that if Theodore had only just continued to read on the dates that he had begun, he would have found it all, VERY interesting.

"1992! Chamber of Secrets. Of course Tom Riddle is the Slytherin Heir. This year has seriously sucked! I know I said I wouldn't get any friends... But Dray, Pans, Blaise, Green and Theo are all great..." Theo's jaw clenched. "I know it was not very smart of me, but I have never been a Ravenclaw. Barty was always the smart one of our group... As well as Pandora, of course, but that's beside the point. Anyway, back on track. The five of them, even though I hate to admit it, saved my ass last year. And now, I am standing with one destroyed Horcrux, and 4 secured. I am only missing 2 now, and I am at a loss as to where they are.-" Theodore shook his head.

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