Chapter 22 - A snake.

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A/N: Terribly sorry about the late update! I have had way to many exams and with work- Anyways! Merry Christmas everyone! Hope you all enjoy this chapter.

Sirius paced the med-wing floor, staring at the still form of Harry, on the bed. "How in the world! Can you say that Harry had done that?! He's been here! For the past four weeks, Poppy! WHY WOULD HE WALK AROUND, JUST TO TERRIFY HERMIONE?!"

Poppy sighed and ran a hand over her face. It truly made no sense... Harry was still unconscious, and according to a spell that determined if a patient had sleep walked or been up and out of a coma... He hadn't moved an inch since last she checked on him.

"I don't know, Mr. Black... But none the less, someone looking a lot like Harry... Made it so that Miss Granger was too terrified to sleep alone, last night..."

Sirius sighed and ran a hand over his head, nodding slowly. "Yes... And I am terribly sorry, but Harry did not do that..." Remus lowered his eyes, which Albus noticed. "What do you know, Remus?"

All heads and eyes turned to the man, and he groaned shaking his head. "I... I may be wrong..." Hermione took another step into Ron's side, the boy protectively holding her. "I talked to Regulus..." Sirius' hands dropped down to his side, and he shook his head. "He's dead, Remus. How in the world, could you talk to him?"

"His ghost, dufus... He came to me, while I sat on a rock outside, you had just left in frustration, Siri... Harry and his friends were down by the lake, and... I felt, cold, and not alone... He told me..: All will come forward in due time. All you need to do, is leave him alone. If he wants to tell you, he will... And if he don't, well, that's his call..." Remus writhed his hands together and looked up at his lover, as well as the others that were staring at him with wide eyes.

"But Harry and Regulus look nothing like each other." Sirius scoffed and Remus raised his brows in disbelief. "Look... Look nothing, like each other. Siri, are you blind?!" Remus stood and used his wand to get a picture of Regulus into his hand, before scaleing it up, and placing it beside Harry. "Really. They look nothing like each other?" Hermione gasped and pointed to the image that Remus held. "That's... That's who I saw..." Remus hummed and nodded his head. "But why would a ghost be following me..?"

"Possibly... He wanted to warn you." Their eyes all moved to Harry, and Sirius got a bad feeling in his gut... But it was true, Harry and Regulus looked scarily alot, like one another... "Can we..." Sirius cleared his throat and then moved over to Harry. Taking his right hand, he raised the sleeve and shook his head, before removing the bandages. A shiver ran down his spine at the sight of the numerous white lines that covered his godsons arm.

Then he turned to the left one. Severus seemed to catch onto what Sirius was looking for, scoffed. "Just because they look, like one another, does not mean that-" He was cut off at the sight of a black line showing from where the bandage had been removed. His eyes widened and he shook his head, taking a step forwards. "Impossible..." He whispered, and then Sirius got it all off, flipping the wrist around.

The Dark Mark, glared right back up at them all. Covered in numerous white lines and still open wounds, it looked butchered, to say it nicely. "But... How does Harry Potter, have the dark mark..?" Draco questioned, looking to his own god-father. Severus shook his head and shared a look with Albus.


Sirius jumped high up into the air and dropped the bandage in his hand to the bed. A snake, a snake that grew, larger and larger by the second. Until it was as big as an Reticulated Python... "That... That looks like..." Snape shook his head. "Nagini..?" The snake hissed and shook its head.

"It... Understands, us..?" Pansy asked and cocked her head to the side. Alastor grumbled and eyed the boy and snake, that laid on the bed. "Snakes, are very intelligent, young Parkinson... But truly, I have never known one to understand, basic human language."

Severus walked over to Harry's left side, ignoring Albus as he spoke to the kids. Picking up Harry's arm, he poked the mark with his wand, and saw it move dangerously under the many layers of scars. "Damnit..." He muttered, looking over at the face of the boy. Seeing his eyes move under his lids, Severus narrowed his own, but when five minutes had past, and Harry hadn't opened his eyes, Severus figured it was just a reflex in the boys muscles.

"Well... I think it is obvious, Poppy, that we need you to look after Harry even closer now. The second he wakes-"

"Yes, Albus. I understand..." Poppy nodded stiffly and Albus sighed. "Yes, of course. Well, lets go children, the last tournament is in 8 hours, we have things that need to be prepared for." Everyone, including Sirius and Remus, left the med-wing.

Poppy sighed and looked down at Harry, shaking her head slowly. Eyes raked down his body, and landed on his arm. A crease formed between her brows, and she gripped it tightly in her hand. "Gone... But, what in the world..." She whispered and then sighed, shaking her head. "Must have just been... No... I don't know..." She sighed and decided that that was a matter for later.

"Now. What to do about you." She turned to the snake and grimaced. Reaching out, with the intent to remove it, the snake snapped out after her, before cuddling up on Harry's chest and settling down. Kreacher popped in and stared at the snake. "Ah yes... Kreacher was wondering when he would see Masters snake again." Poppy looked at the elf. "What is its name, Kreacher?"


"So a male then."

"Quite, Madam."

Poppy nodded. Nagini was known for being the ruthless female snake. Evan, peculiar name to give a snake... Sighing, she shook her head and began to do her everyday routine. Administrating Harry his potions and other medicine, while also tending to the others that came into the Med-wing during the day.

Kreacher was looking over his Master and his Masters snake, his eyes closing every five or so seconds, as he desperately clung to consciousness. Madam Pomfrey sighed and shook her head, at the determined old elf.

"Kreacher... Don't you think your Master would be upset with you, for having forced yourself to stay awake?"

The old elf hummed and nodded, before letting his eyes close and he fell asleep. Madam Pomfrey chuckled, with a shake of her head, before going into her office to change.

A/N: Yes, I know, it's a short chapter. It is also, only meant to be a filler. The end is near, between 2-5 more chapters. I will probably post between Christmas and New Years, if I have the time, but I don't know if it will be possible, due to unforeseen circumstances. Because I am going to the hospital, and I don't know how long that will take. So if I don't see you all, Happy New Year! Now remember, to eat, sleep and drink plenty of fluids! Don't want you all to get sick, so stay warm. See you all in the next chapter! Love you all!
~Author Cupcake<3

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