Chapter 1

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*When you got your quirk*

  IT"S MY BIRTHDAY TODAY!!!!!! Ithought while I was playing with my baby brother when I noticed that my back was feeling a little heavy, even though I can't see what it is. I walk up to the mirror in our house and see little wings made of stone! "MAMA! MAMA! LOOK AT THIS!!" I scream running towards my mom excitedly. "What is it sweetie?" "Look at this! I have rock wings!!" "Oh my goodness! Can you do anything else?" My mom asks. I'm not sure what she meant by that but I tried to imagine having wings made of F/C fire, and it happened! Then I tried ice, water and wind, it was as if I could make wings out of any element in the world.

  Keigo came running into the room screaming "SIS ARE YOU OKAY?!!" Since he was running fast with his eyes closed, he ended up running into the wall.

   "OMG! Kei HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!" I fell on the floor laughing. "Aiko, stop laughing at your brother and help him onto the couch!" My mother demanded. So we helped my brother off the floor and onto the couch. For once he didn't look like my annoying little brother, but like a cute liitle boy sleeping.

  Finally he woke up like 10 minutes after we set him down he popped up "AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!" "AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!" When Keigo woke up he started screaming and that scared me making me scream while wings made of fire sprouted from my back making Keigo scream again. "AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!! Oh my god! Sis you got your quirk!!! IT'S SO COOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL!" "Thanks Kei, it's like some type of Elemental Wings, because I can make wings out of any element. The reason I say only elements is because I tried glitter, but that didn't work.

  "I can't wait to see what your quirk is like Kei-chan, although I know it won't be as cool as mine HA HA!!" I said teasingly making him mad. "Yes it will! It might even be cooler than yours" "Yeah sure squirt." I said ruffling his hair. When I removed my hand I saw the brightest smile on his face. It was SOOOOO CUTE!!!!! 🥰❤️

"Hey momma, can we go outside and play?"

"Sure sweetie, make sure to be careful with your new quirk, and make sure you're back in time to celebrate, ok?" Our mom yelled from the kitchen.

"I will! Keigo, come on!" "Hey, wait for me, sis!!!"

  We both ran outside and I activated my quirk immediately making wings out of F/C fire and flying as high as possible getting an AMAZING view of the city we live in. I was pretty sure I saw U.A. The high school I was SURE I would get into, graduate from, and become the worlds ✨BEST HERO✨!

   That's it for chapter 1! Feel free to put some suggestions for people you want to see and things you want to happen in the comments! As I said I'm going to try to update 2 or more chapters per week if I can!

I hope you enjoyed!

    ~Bye luvs~🖤🖤🖤

Toya Todoroki x !Fem reader New Beginnings Book 1Where stories live. Discover now